25th Act: The Forgotten Birthday Cake

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Kira had had her weight under control her whole life until pregnancy, then she has lost it big time. She'd craved food the entire time, nothing unhealthy, just many more snacks than usual. The one that was in trouble was Cobra who had to drive around and bring snacks to Kira. Honestly, the snack was the last of his worries. Kira being pregnant was a big struggle. She could not simply admit that she was pregnant and act like one. The term 'morning sickness' was never used. She just was wining she had a hangover. And she never understood why it lasted so many months. The next problem was her clothes. She had to gain a few more pounds and most of her attires started not to fit her. Last was her job. She wanted to keep working without telling that she was pregnant.

The fights and problems found their balance when they finally had their first ultrasound and their babies finally became real. Indeed they were having twins. That was another shook for Kira and Cobra. The world was slowly changing. Those two souls would soon be born. And both of them had to raise and defend them. Because they were their parents. Slowly the arguments and the craziness left Kira and motherhood knocked on her door. Yet, still, the mood changes and hormones had a bad effect on her. Cobra thankfully kept it together through all those months.

Plus, everyone from Sannoh, the Oedo, to SWORD was around aiding Kira and even Cobra. The Labor was again another big story. Kira was not the simple person giving birth. At first, she did not admit it was her labor day. Her water had broken and she did not want to give birth. Because she did not like the birthday day. Cobra picked her up and carried her in the hospital with her not agreeing.

With each contraction came a pain that reminded Kira why she did not want to have children. In those moments, for those seconds that stretched into infinity, there was nothing else. Only her reminding herself she should never have children again. As the pain passed it was only for a minute or so and she breathed with closed eyes. From time to time, she kept reminded Cobra that he was good as dead for putting her through such an experience. He would pay for that.

Cobra felt a mix of emotions he never had. At first, he was scared, really scared like he never was before. He was afraid as he would soon be a father. And he was not sure how he would go through that. It was a title he never thought that would be given to him. His responsibilities were now higher than ever. His stomach tightened, he was fully aware of his consequences of being a parent. Yet, he also felt the luckiest man. He would have now family on his own.

Family, friends and all close to Kira and Cobra were also waiting for the twins to be born. Most were walking up and down really anxious about the labor. Kira had won everyone's respect and even in her crazy days. Everyone cared for and loved Cobra's punk. Everything change when the newborn boy and the newborn girl, were finally there.

After the twins were born, it was as if only sunshine existed the world, as if all the earth was ushered into harmony. Everyone inside the room had eyes full of tears, tears of happiness. The new parents had a new consciousness, perfect and reaching out for love. In that instant they both knew they would do anything to protect their children, that love was as vast as the universe yet solid as a rock. She was the mother, and Cobra the father. And none or anything could change that. They both were overtaken by the small babies that were crying for more attention.

A month had passed with the newborns having everyone running for them up and down. Those two babies never agreed. If the girl was sleeping, the boy was crying. If the girl was sweet and playful, the boy was hungry and complaining. Yet, the babies had enough people to take care of them. They were never left alone. And they sure would grow up with love and care. And If Kira was spoiled growing up. Those two would get more spoiled as there would be more people to take care of both of them.

Raising the twins was another adventure for Kira and Cobra and everyone else. Among the crazy moment, of how they should name them. To what they should eat and ware. There were happy moments of having babies around. And as they grew older and they could talk. The trouble got bigger. But those were troubles sweet troubles.

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