5th Act: Strawberry or Cherry?

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White clouds glittered across the evening sky and the moon spilled it's last drops of light, giving the right time for the moon to make it appear. Two persons kept arguing for some time now. A petite boy with long hair, feminine characteristics, and very stylish clothes. (That should be no one other than Kira.) And a harsh, blond somehow Hoodlum Boy. (That was the leader of the Hoodlum Squad.)

"Give it back!?" Kira whooped as she bounces to catch her iPhone.

Though, Cobra took pleasure in watching her reactions. After what he went through these three days, it was the first time this "punk" was fearful. The strange part was that Cobra wasn't that kind of person. He had his fun moments with the guys when things weren't serious. He never picked on girls. He found it immature. Yet there he was nudging Kira, for some time now.

"I don't want too. I'll keep it. I need to find your parents' contact information." he said and scrolled up and down her contact list.

Kira's cheeks became red. She stopped jumping as she was out of air. She always could read people. Though at that time she wasn't sure 'was he messing with her, or what.' She noticed that they were still outside her work. She was dressed as a boy, jumping like a teen. "What am I doing?" she mumbled.

Cobra lowered his arm (the one that was holding her iPhone) and looked at her. Then he simply returns on his bike, climbed over and started the engine.

Kira tilted her head, spotting him on his bike ready to go. "No, no wait. I work tomorrow I need the phone." she almost begged him as Cobra had already driven away (or at least a few yards further). She pouted "I really need the phone at work tomorrow"

Suddenly, a loud sound of a bike cut the silence that was surrounding the area. Cobra turned the bike and went back. He looked at her, standing a few steps away "Oi!" he called her clearly getting her attention.

Kira stretched her body and walked over. Looking at Cobra trying to see where her phone was. Cobra turned his head and pointed at the seat behind him. "Get on! Or are you planning to show your 'yankee' self to your work too." he added.

She was puzzled by his reaction. But leaving her work, was a wise thing to do. She climbed onto the bike. Wrapped her hands around him. Cobra drove back at Sannoh district. He was going back home. If it was someone else they would surely ask Kira were she lived. And they would bring her home. Or at least leave her in a spot where she could take a taxi or the bus to go home. But Cobra was not one of those people. He reached the Hino Gas station and simply parked his bike. Then went inside his room. Kira followed. She wanted to make sure her secret was safe. She climbed off the bike and walked into his room.

Cobra rolled his eyes. "What now?" he asked her as he sat down.

Kira looked at him "You have my phone. I need it. Can I have it back!" she asked him serious with a sweet voice.

Cobra searched his jacket and found the phone. He threw it to Kira. "Here take it and leave!" he ordered her as he leaned his back and sat cozier. Kira grabbed her phone and put it inside her pocket. But he remained standing at the entrance door. "Why are you still here?" Cobra asked her.

Kira stepped closer and sat next to him "Neh, will you please not tell anyone about this?"

Cobra sighed, he scanned her from top to toe. He should just throw her out of his room. He had enough those three days. "Why should I?" he caught himself asking.

"Because It's not really affecting you. I mean you have nothing to gain, by telling my secret." Kira explained.

"Not, affecting me. Are you serious? You are a trouble bomb. I don't want you near me." Cobra added as he kept gazing at her. Even for a boy he was too well dressed. Why had he not notice that earlier?

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