12th Act: Saving Oshiage

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The first punch glanced Cobra's perfect chin. He noticed too late that it was a feint, though, when the second punch doubled him over and expelled the last bit of choked air from his flat belly. The leader of Hoodlum Squad answered back with a roughed stroke against Murayama's right cheek, and a second bit higher. Their attack seemed harsh, fuzzy like every punch and every kick that hit its target would make some damage.

Cobra moved back, aside. Another blow meant for his jaw whizzed by in a blur of knuckles. From the corner of his eye, he saw the leader of Oya high's other arm begin an upward trajectory. He ducked this time and felt his hair ruffle with the force of it. Murayama's hits were more powerful, fast and forceful. This duel seemed more serious than the last one they had a few years ago. Although, neither Cobra or Murayama really wanted this fight, they had to keep it going.

"Your fighting skills have evolved," Cobra uttered as he licked the blood from his lips clean. He cracked a half-dark smile at the leader of Oya High. His old self enjoyed the adrenaline shaking him up. Fights the rose from hate, Cobra hated those. But one to one fair fights, he still enjoyed those. And maybe right now the facts that brought them to fight each other weren't right. But both started to take pleasure in.

Murayama winked and went on with a straight curvy punch. He was still worried about Oshiage but he couldn't hide the rush that overtook him. Soon, their fight turned worse. Heavier punches and deadly kicks took over. Action, reaction, again and again. The loud gasps, the hits, and yells cut through the silent alley in Sannoh district.

As long as two of the leaders of SWORD were fighting, Kira and the others located Oshiage. The men in black with the sparkling blue masks were about to be discovered. They hid Oshiage at the end of Sannoh district. Inside a remote building at the end of the road. There was nothing much surrounding the area. A fence, a mad rocky road, and few bikes.

"Kira, wait here." Yamato whispered at her as they had just reached that forsaken place.

She shook her head and bypassed him, following the others inside. "I am not waiting out here.." she mumbled.

"At least stay behind me!" he hammed with a pissed tone as he pulled her behind him. Only, visualizing Cobra's reaction if anything happened to Kira, was scary enough.

Slowly, they walked in. It was dark outside, but thankfully inside there was some light. It was the main path that lead them in a lower part of the same building. They could already hear voices and people move down there. Soon, they noticed Oshiage tied in the middle with few men in black talking. It seemed that someone was already informing them that Cobra and Murayama were fighting.

But, the guys didn't wait. When they made sure, the men in black didn't have any guns. They surrounded them. Kira stepped closer to Oshiage with the only thought in mind to free her. Yamato, Tettsu (Hoodlum Squad Tettsu) and Todoroki attacked at the five standing close to Oshiage. They freed the way for Kira to reach Oshiage easier. The others handled the rest.

Kira found a bottle near and broke it. She grabbed one of the glass and cut the robe around Oshiage. Kira cut her palm a bit, but it was nothing serious. She grabbed Oshiage's arm after she made sure the guys could handle those men in black. "Let's go!" she said loudly and helped Oshiage stand.

"The guys?" Oshiage asked as she leaned against Kira.

"I think they can handle those men." Kira ensured her as they were already winning. Those men in black weren't really made to fight. They were only scary when they were hiding and holding guns. But a fist to a fistfight, they were nothing serious to worry about.

"Leave, now!" yelled Yamato who was still holding the defense opening the path so they could move. "Find Cobra, and Murayama... you need to stop them," he added.

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