2nd Act: The First Time we met

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Author's Note:

You will notice I added a few Japanese words (inside the dialog). You will always find the meaning (translation of the word) next to it (in a parenthesis/ Brackets).

Kira felt the autumn sunlight streaming through the taxi window and landing on her pale face. She wasn't much of a sun lover, but at that single moment, her mind was spacing in another dimension. She was recalling all the details she heard from Naomi as she was living in New York. Although she never understood why Naomi wasn't excited about the fights. Naomi never liked fights and violence. Indeed to start a fight without a reason, It didn't make any sense to Kira. But if there was some reason behind it (even a minor one) she could support that. 'She just cannot see how lucky she is' was the last thought of Kira, before the Taxi driver brought her back to reality.

"Young man, we have arrived at the western part of Sannoh district. Do you wish to get out here, or should I keep driving?" the taxi driver asked her.

Kira gave a quick glance outside the window "Iee (No), here it's totally fine." she said with an odd smile on her face. She paid the driver 4,800.00¥* (almost $46.35). Next, she opened the taxi door and stepped out of the taxi. She tilted her head towards the sky and took a deep breath as the taxi drove away. Honestly, she didn't know where exactly the Itokan Diner* was located. But she would wander around with the hope to find it.

The young girl (who was dressed as a boy) took her first step into her neverland. Step after step, she slowly was walking closer to the main street of the Sannoh district. The sun was still up. People were walking up and down the streets. It was not too crowded. It really seemed like a quiet place. The people seemed simply, though she had spotted a few girls with gang outfits (Ichigo Milk* Gang).

Briefly, she noted a middle-aged woman walking towards her. She was holding a bag on her right hand. Kira's gaze paused at the bag. Then a man snatched the bag and ran away. The woman started yelling that she was robbed. A smirk stretched across Kira's face. 'Finally some action.' she thought. She strode towards the woman telling her not to worry. She was determined to catch the thief.

Kira faced towards the direction of the thief. She was running now. She could hear her steps as she picked up her speed. Her mind swarmed with so many questions. But she had only one answer 'Catch the thief'. The fresh air was freezing against her flushed red cheeks. She had great stamina and high endurance. There was no issue following him. Up the corner, three blocks away from where the thief stole the lady's bag, Kira finally stopped him.

Since now she could reach the thief easily. She simply jumped from where she was and formed a back high kick. The kick landed against the man's back and he crashed against a bike. He bumped into the bike, and fall down against the ground with it. Kira landed a few steps away and stood up. Her kick did a great job, stopping the man. The thief tried to stand up as he quickly looked over his shoulder and saw her behind him. He grabbed the bag that fell from his hands. He wanted to run. But his way was cut. Kira was facing ready to start a fight with him.

At the next corner, the owner of the bike went into shock, as he watched a boy with long hair kicking down a man against his precious bike. This action happened in front of his eyes in slow motion. He was already sure both of them were not from around the area. The first one was dressed too well, and the second too poorly. The young man gasped annoyed and started walking towards them. They surely didn't know where they were standing.

Kira, that was panting really fast, pointed at the bag that man was holding. "That bag isn't yours. Give it back!" she spoke clearly and approached the man.

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