3rd Act: A zealous boy or a reckless girl

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Bar Odake* had empty bottles laid on the ground, waiting for someone to trip over them. It looked messy like it had not been cleaned. Mostly everyone was tipsy, with a few people sitting around drinking or just talking.

"Ne, Yamato-san! How is it going?" Chiharu asked Yamato "Did we drink too much?"

Yamato smirked and looked at Cobra that was sitting next to him "I think we are fine. Since Cobra isn't asking about 'Inoki Bombaye'" he mocked Cobra making everyone laugh and Cobra to slam his hand against the counter.

"It's been a while we haven't seen Cobra-san so much drunk!" Dan noticed as he tried to remember when was the last time, he rubbed his head confused.

"Will you keep this act longer going on!" Cobra said serious as he didn't like it when the guys were making fun of him, especially now where that "punk" was with them. 'How did he manage to get so mixed up with that Kira guy again' he thought.

Kira slapped Dan on the back "Stop with such nonsense." she chuckled and pointed at Cobra. "That one cannot get drunk! He doesn't know how to be fun!" she said laughing and trying to stand on her chair.

"But you can? Didn't you drink too much?" Yamato asked Kira a bit worried. Naomi would freak if she would notice her friend now. It's not only that she (as well as the others) ended up all wounded, she was drunk too.

She glanced at Yamato and giggled. Kira was drunk enough. She wasn't much of a drinker. Three bottles of beer were enough to have her all drunk and happy. She climbed on top of the chair standing there and gazing down at Cobra. Cobra look at her, feeling that she was ready to create more troubles. And he wasn't wrong.

Kira stretched her arms. She gazed up smiling towards the ceiling. She lost her balance suddenly. She tried her best to hold herself up but she didn't manage that. Yamato, Dan and Tettsu stood up trying to catch her. But they were late. Kira had already lost her balance. She fell from the bar chair. She crashed against Cobra who was sitting next to her. And with all the force of the fall, as well with all her weight against Cobra both landed on the ground. First Cobra and then Kira on top of him. With her face against his. And her lips lightly touching Cobras accidentally...

16 hours earlier...

The next morning, everything started normally like every other day. Minoru and Tetsu were trying to wake up Yankumi. Sawada loved Yamaguchi a lot. As a couple, they were very cute together, even after so many years married. Although they slept together in the same bed, Shin had never dared to wake up Kumiko. No-one ever did. The only people who woke up Ojou were only Minoru and Tetsu.

In the next room, Kira was already up. She was trying to find which outfit to wear today. Although she was Kumiko's daughter, she managed to wake up every morning at the right time. But she needed extra time each and every day to pick up the right outfit. To put it on correctly. The early waking up, and the fashion fanatic, were part she had totally inherited from Shin.

Downstairs Shin, Kuroda-san, Yusuke, and the rest were already having breakfast. Everyone was busy in the morning.

"How do I look?" Kira asked as she ran down the stairs into the room (where everyone was having breakfast). The pink shirt covered her shoulders almost fully and flows down into a simple jewel neckline. Her arms have been covered fully. The sleeves broaden towards the bottom, allowing for bracelets to be visible. The shirt's waist is wide, but it's a slim fit. Below the waist, the black skirt fit snugged around her and has a wrap style. Above she wore a coat. And her 'Burberry*' black heels.

"Perfect, as always. You have a way too many clothes sister." Yusuke told her "Since you came back from New York. Each day you're wearing something new." The rest agreed with him. Indeed she looked great but seemed she was spending a lot on clothes.

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