Chapter 6 - Polis Massa

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❶ "Princess Leia's Theme"—A New Hope OST

❷ "Across the Stars"—Attack of the Clones OST

By the time Leia was in her eighth month, Lor San Tekka and she had transferred through three different systems, spending a few weeks in each in an attempt to throw any spies off their trail

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By the time Leia was in her eighth month, Lor San Tekka and she had transferred through three different systems, spending a few weeks in each in an attempt to throw any spies off their trail. Their last stop came not a moment too soon.

❶ Leia arrived at the medical center on the Polis Massa mining colony under the alias of Contare Loessa, eight months pregnant and barely fitting in the shuttle restraints. Lor San Tekka, masquerading as Viktel Minel, escorted her to the med center for a thorough prenatal check.

The chamber was spacious with glass walls. On one wall, a medical monitor waited for the patient to be connected to its various sensors. Lor San Tekka stepped outside of the room to give the princess her privacy.

After changing into a medical robe, Leia climbed onto the oval table to await the medical personnel.

The medical droids with chunky, triangular heads and chrome, curved appendages performed a thorough, if unfeeling, examination. After the alien medical droids had examined the senator, a humanoid doctor entered the room.

The droid continued beeping in its odd version of binary, transmitting information to the doctor. Leia breathed in relief when she realized a human would handle her daughter's birth and not a droid.

The tall doctor looked up from her datapad as she read the results. With a warm smile, she brushed her spiky blue hair from her face. "The baby is fine, Contare, or should I say . . . Leia Naberrie Skywalker."

"Skywalker is not my name," Leia said, with worry crossing her face. Medical monitors beeped as her heart rate and blood pressure increased. A fine sheen of sweat moistened her brow.

"According to your birth record, it is."

"What? How?"

"You were born here. We always run a blood match during admission, just in case of hereditary problems we need to address."

❷ Leia opened her mouth in shock. "Who? Who was my mother?"

"Padmé Naberrie Amidala Skywalker. You didn't know?"

"Not until now." Leia shook her head, pondering the information. She had studied the former queen and senator when she was a young girl on Alderaan. Her memory brought back the image of the woman dressed in the royal headdress and make-up of the Nubian monarchs. Her parents had mentioned the woman was one of their closest friends. Even though dead, Leia had always considered this woman a role model.

Padmé Naberrie Amidala Skywalker—they know who my father is then. But if they ever find out who he truly is . . . "I thought these records were restricted."

"Birth records are always open to the children at this facility but sealed from everyone else," the doctor said with a grimace. "So, what are we putting on your daughter's birth records?"

"Very well, use my name, Leia Organa, Princess of Alderaan. Her father is my husband, Han Solo. Please seal the records."

"From whom?"

"Everyone except her."

"As you wish. We will be taking holoimages of you and your child. Do you want your picture now or during birth?"

"Now. I don't want to scare her if she ever sees this holo," Leia said with a small twitter, remembering what she looked like after giving birth to Ben.

"Hold still. Good," the doctor said as she activated the camera on her datapad.

After the click, Leia asked, "You wouldn't happen to have a holo of my mother? Padmé?"

"Yes," the doctor said. "Just one moment." When the doctor had retrieved the record on her datapad, she presented it to Leia.

Tears dropped through the image as Leia looked for the second time in her life at her mother. She remembered only images from her birth, and Leia knew it was only due to the Force enhancing her memories that she remembered anything at all. But now, now she memorized her mother's face—a face contorted in pain as her mother died.

"We can duplicate this image for you."

"Yes, please." Leia wiped the tears from her eyes. As she studied the image, she asked, "How did she die?"

"The records say 'in childbirth.'"

Leia's face clouded over. What will happen to Breha if I don't make it? Is this the right place? Should I return to Hosnian?

As she placed a hand on Leia's shoulder, the doctor said, "Now, don't worry. You'll be fine. We expect no problems with this birth. Your daughter will be here, perhaps in the next few days, but nothing to worry about. We have a suite for you down the hall. A medical droid will be with you every minute."

Leia stared at the picture of her mother and gulped, wondering yet again if she had made the right decision.

Leia stared at the picture of her mother and gulped, wondering yet again if she had made the right decision

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Did you know . . .

● The real identity of Darth Vader is not publicly known. 

Tell me what you think 

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Tell me what you think . . .

● How would you feel if a droid delivered your child?

● What do you think Leia's life will be like once Breha is born?

● How do you think Leia will raise Breha differently from Ben?

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