Chapter 51 - Koda Station

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As they came out of hyperspace, Luke spoke into the communicator

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As they came out of hyperspace, Luke spoke into the communicator. "Koda Station, this is Jedi Order Shuttle Elenium, requiring med center attention, Code Red."

"Shuttle Elenium, the pattern is clear. Proceed to Docking Bay 24. A med team will meet you there. Please transmit vitals."

"Vitals transmitting." Luke punched a few buttons and guided the shuttle to Docking Bay 24.

" Luke punched a few buttons and guided the shuttle to Docking Bay 24

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Luke and Naluma waited many hours for Ben to come out of surgery. The sterile, white walls and the hard-backed seats of the waiting room only added to their unease. After drinking water and eating a few bites of a ration bar, Naluma's nausea returned with a vengeance.

"Hey, is this normal?" Luke asked as she spewed into a rubbish receptacle.

Naluma stared at him blankly. I don't think so. I haven't been able to hold down anything for weeks.

He scrutinized her. Weeks? Is Anakin okay?

As far as I can tell.

Noticing her uniform hanging on her, he asked, How much weight have you lost? He reached out and grabbed her arm and then ran his hand down her side. When she did not answer, he chided. Naluma?

Twenty kilos in the last two months. She sighed. But I had ten kilos to spare.


She nodded her head and bit back the tears.

Luke held her, comforting her through the emotional roller coaster. After a few minutes, he pulled away. "I'm going to check on something. Take it easy." He lifted her chin and stroked her face, like he used to do before they were married.

Naluma smiled at him.

Luke headed to the nearest staffing station about half a click down the hall, where med techs bustled from one device to another, updating patient information. "Excuse me."

A female human med tech, petite with dark brown hair and golden skin, said, "Yes?"

"Med Tech Kohlni, is it?" he asked, looking at her badge. "Do we have any idea how much longer Padawan Solo will be in surgery?"

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