Chapter 30 - Aggressive Negotiations

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Luke looked up from his elderly patient on the carpet to the thirty other passengers gathered around

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Luke looked up from his elderly patient on the carpet to the thirty other passengers gathered around. "Silence. We're going to turn off the lights and pretend no one is in here. Cordé, hide Sabé in the pantry. Everyone else, prepare for the group headed our way."

Pointing his finger at Luke, the Korrunai said, "I'm tired of listening to you give us orders. Besides, you don't know what you're talking about." He puffed out his chest. "I have more experience in my pinky than some young hot-shot like yourself. That's right. I served in the Republic Army. Seen my fair share of action. On Jakku, among other planets. These pirates have no discipline. They're just scruffy hooligans."

Luke shook his head, wishing he were in uniform and armed. What did that guy think I did earlier? Wish that those pirates would give him their guns and then die? "Fine, what do you think we should do, General?"

"Well," the Korrunai said as his eyes grew bigger. "Perhaps barricade the doors and guard them? Turn the lights off. Stay quiet."

"Those sound great. Glad you thought—"

Loud talk interrupted from the other side of the door. A vibroblade stabbed through the hatch but slowed when it reached the lock, muffling the voices.

Luke was pleased to see his shooters maintaining their ground, aiming at the door. The Jedi Master stood to the side of the door behind a cabinet, ready to use the Force when the pirates broke through. His reflection caused him to jump. He still couldn't get used to the way he looked with spiked, blue hair and a full beard. 

Heavy footsteps stomped through the passageway. The crew outside the door stopped cutting and turned their attention to the entity that Luke sensed suddenly arriving. Heavy footsteps stomped down the corridor followed by a barrage of blaster fire.

Luke smiled. It was Naluma. He nodded with pride when he heard two lightsabers ignite and deflect the blaster fire from the pirates.

When the hatch opened, Luke's team raised their blasters. "Stand down. Don't shoot. It's not them." He raced between the door and the guns.

Naluma stepped through the door with both lightsabers in her hands and carnage around her. A pirate from the other end of the corridor fired at the her, but Naluma turned in a split second, deflecting the blasts with the dual lightsabers, killing the man.

"I love you."

Naluma grinned as she deactivated the lightsabers. "I know."

Luke grinned. "What took you so long?" He grabbed the blasters from the corpses littered around the door.

"Ran into some old friends." She winked as she entered the room. She turned her hand and shut the door again with the Force. "That door isn't worth much. Hey, you! Yeah, the Korrunai. Grab that table and barricade the door with it."

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