Chapter 32 - Master Trials: Take Two

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Naluma struggled in her drug-induced coma, jerking against the other four men in her squad that were bound hand-and-foot and thrown in a corner on the bridge

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Naluma struggled in her drug-induced coma, jerking against the other four men in her squad that were bound hand-and-foot and thrown in a corner on the bridge. One of the pirates turned at the disturbance and kicked her in the back. Her entire body spasmed. An unconscious moan escaped her lips.

He continued to kick her—her head, her back, her stomach, her legs. She choked on vomit under her gag as the kicks continued. Two of her squad shielded her by jumping on top of her and taking the kicks for her. Meanwhile, the other two tried to work her gag free and clear her mouth with their fingers.

The First Order lieutenant glanced back at the commotion and said, "Stand down. You know the standing orders for Jedi—they are to remain alive. Unless you seek to displease the Supreme Leader."

The trooper that had been kicking regressed from the corner and stood watch over them instead.

Luke led his group quickly down the ladders to the engine room, disabling pockets of the enemy in each compartment

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Luke led his group quickly down the ladders to the engine room, disabling pockets of the enemy in each compartment. One of his squads had captured a pirate leader, which turned out to be a stormtrooper sergeant. They took point and held the sergeant as a hostage shield while they progressed through the ship.

As they approached the engine room, troopers lined up on either side of the hatch. The hatch opened as soon as they reached it. Blaster shots streamed through the hatch, hitting the sergeant in the shoulder.

The captive sergeant ordered, "Stand down. Stand down."

Master Skywalker hopped through the hatch. "Drop your weapons and surrender."

The four at the hatch dropped theirs with a clatter as they fell to the deck.

Luke nodded toward the others. "And the rest."

Cruise line crew members clambered out with their hands up. As Luke probed them, blaster bolts strafed him from the rear of the engine room. He drew his lightsaber. "Hit the deck."

The Jedi advanced through the engine room. In the tight quarters he resorted to deflecting the bolts with the bare Force.

As he approached his source, he modified his tactics from deflection to absorption. He could not maintain this tactic long, but his opponent did not know that.

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