A Group Called the Fellowship

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Caladwen was sitting on her horse, while she watched the leaders of Middle Earth gather for their meeting. Lord Elrond of Rivendell sat at the head of the group while men, dwarves, and the Mirkwood elves were seated in their seats. The hobbit who had the rings even attended the meeting, along with Gandolf the Grey. Caladwen was curious to know what was going on, but she couldn't get any closer than she already was on horse back. And she didn't want to go down their and ease drop because that would just raise suspicion. So, Caladwen simply watched as the meeting took place.

It wasn't long before the hobbit stood up from his seat and placed the ring on a stone table. Caladwen wanted to ride down and take the ring, but she knew that if she did that then she wouldn't make it out alive. After all, this is Rivendell. And elves don't mess around. She watched every move the men, dwarves, and elves make.

A man, known as Boromir, was the first man to stand up and let the ring control him. But, before he could touch the ring, Gandolf the Grey stood up and began speaking of a spell. The sun was covered by the clouds, as Gandolf spoke the loud echoing words. Caladwen looked over at the hobbit. She could see that the ring has already taken his life. He is now connected to it.

Then, one of the dwarves, Gimli, stood up with his axe in hand. He slammed it down on the ring, causing the dwarf to fall down. However, it wasn't the ring that broke apart. It was the axe.

"Huh, fools." said Caladwen to herself.

Soon enough, the elf that Caladwen had met in the library stood up from his seat. He began arguing with the dwarves, which caused an outbreak of argument to occur. Caladwen rolled her eyes. How could they be so foolish? The arguing was stopped by a single hobbit, who offered to take the ring to Mount Doom, so that it could be destroyed.

Soon other members of Middle Earth offered to help the hobbit; therefore, forming the Fellowship of the Ring. They all exited the meeting area and prepared to set out on their journey. Caladwen rode her horse closer to the elvish buildings, so she could be close to the paths that the Fellowship would take.

She saw the members of the Fellowship grouped together before an archway. There were many Rivendell elves who gathered to see the Fellowship off. Caladwen was becoming irritated though. She wanted the ring so bad, so that she could prove her father that she was more than just a she-elf. So that she could make him proud.

The Fellowship started heading out, starting their journey together. Caladwen remained in hiding, while she followed them without them knowing. She needed to keep a close eye on them, so that when the time was right, she could take the ring from them.

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