❥ thirty-eighth drizzle.

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❥ Soulmate AU; Where your soulmate gets a mark on his skin, the moment you fall in love with him.

• Semi x Een •


I would never forget that one phrase Tamachi-sensei had told me so many months ago.

Because her perspective of life was an accurate one. The world is cruel and harsh.

I had gone through my fair share of life events to be able to judge, but today took the cake.

My first hint was when I woke up to rough knocking on the door.

"Een? Are you finished with getting ready?"

When I finally come to my senses, it is when I see that the clock had struck 8 am - and I was supposed to be at the train station in twenty minutes to catch my train with Semi.

I was late for my entrance exam, to the college of me and Semi's first choice.

Hichimiya is snoring loudly, a leg sticking out of her bed. Taking off my covers, I toss a blanket over her before I open the door.

Semi stands at my doorstep, a bookbag over his shoulder while he clutched a small notebook in hand. When he realises that I had just woken up, he sinks to the ground with a loud facepalm.

"We're screwed."

"I'm coming out in five minutes. I swear." I let him know, but I doubt he was paying any attention. Closing the door, I hurry to get dressed, grabbing my - luckily - pre-packed bag before I step outside.

"It's at times like this when I wish I brought my motorbike to Miyagi." I hear him mumble, while we frantically tried to flag a cab.

My second hint was right there, when we miss the train by a clear five minutes.

"There's no trains for fifteen minutes, Een. We're gonna be at least twenty minutes late for the exam. And it's our entrance exam."

"Please don't rub salt on my wounds. I'm sorry, Eita."

The third hint was Semi refusing to talk to me until we reached the building.

"Good luck." He says, before he enters the left side of the building. Crossing my fingers, I step inside, earning a few disturbing glances from the students who were present in the exam hall.

The fourth hint was Semi's face when I met him after the exam was over.

"I fucked up." He says, sitting down on the bench outside the building.


"I couldn't finish the paper, Een. I managed to see the questions I couldn't finish, and they were actually things that I do know how to do."

"Eita... I'm so sorry... I couldn't finish my paper either."

"This isn't fair, Een." He has to say, looking up at the sky. He puts his bookbag down on the ground while he lets out a sigh.

"I tried. I seriously tried really hard to get into college here with you. It's not fair that I tried for you, but you're the one who ruined whatever I tried." He mumbles.

"I'm sorry, Eita... And it's fine, there's still more colleges here that we can go to."

"For hell's sake, Een, that's not the point. Why don't you see? You need to stop being such a baby."

I bite my lower lip, not knowing what to say in response.

"I mean. You're an adult, for crying out loud. You need to start being more mature about these things. I can't take full responsibility for you, you know."

"I... I'm sorry, but that's something we can't change. We just have to hope for the best, now..." I say quietly.

And the fifth hint was when Semi couldn't control his temper, and stormed off towards the train station.

I was in tears when I followed him, painful silence between me and my soulmate for the entirety of the three hours once again.

Semi and I stopped speaking after that day.

I wasn't sure for how long we would have gone without speaking, if it wasn't for exam results arriving at our desks during breakfast five days later.

I kind of knew what to expect even before the two of us opened our envelopes together.

"Well. Here you go." Semi mumbles, placing his letter on my tray.

And to make matters worse, my letter lets me know that I was on the wait-list to be accepted.

"Eita, wait..."

"It's fine." I hear him say, while I follow him outside the cafeteria. "You can go there. I'm going to-"

"You know, you're the one being the baby right now," I say, a little louder than I might have wanted to. Semi turns around and glares at me, and I am horrified to see Mitsuki approaching us with two of her other friends.

Talk about wrong timing.

"Een-senpai?!" She cries, confirming that she has overheard what we were talking about. Semi's expression was a combination of pissed and irritated, and he grabs hold of my wrist before he drags me away from the freshmen, downstairs to the courtyard.  

"She's starting to get on my nerves."

"I'm surprised I'm not getting on your nerves."

"You do get on my nerves. But I tend to ignore it because I'm biased towards you. So why can't you be responsible for once?"

I couldn't hide my smile at what he had said at first.

"This isn't funny, Een." He groans, crossing his arms in defeat.

"I know. I'm sorry. Look. I'm fine to go anywhere, as long as I get to be with you. This isn't the only place we can go to, so please don't worry so hard. You tried your best."

"No, Een. I didn't try my best. If I did, then I would have passed the exam."

"Well," I say, starting to get slightly irritated myself, "You can't call that trying hard enough since you chose a low-reputed college. You were just scared that you can't make it to a better school so you chose one where you thought you had a fair chance at."

I usually tend to not say things like this straight to his face, but sometimes...

Well, Semi wasn't the only person who knew how to be blunt.

There is silence on his side before he slams a fist on the bench between us. I give him a few seconds to calm himself before I take a deep breath and stand up.

"If you really want the satisfaction of having tried your best, then we're applying to a better college."


"Fine," I respond, watching the way he stands up. I could tell his mood was still sour from what had happened, so I let him walk back upstairs to his dorm.

Hichimiya thinks letting him be on his own is a mistake, but she stopped bothering when Tendou lets her know that he thought I was doing the right thing.

If only I could be as carefree as those two... But then again, there was no way I could be as carefree as them if I was dating Semi... 

But when I saw Semi later that day inside the library with books sprawled over his desk, there really wasn't anything I wanted to change.

Like Aimee said, he was a pain to deal with... but in his own ways, he was trying his best.

And for that, I loved Semi more and more every day.


a/n; hI GUYS-- //slapped

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