❥ fifty-fourth drizzle.

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❥ Soulmate AU; Where your soulmate gets a mark on his skin, the moment you fall in love with him.

• Semi x Een •


I was slowly starting to get used to college life, and most of my lecturers were nice people.

Nice people, who piled me with tonnes of assignments.

Every day, after we finish classes and our two-hour shift at the cafe', Semi and I would sit at the window seat there and start with our homework. My soulmate had more math to do, while I'd sit, reading multiple essays and books as references.

And the, we'd go back up to our apartments to find that Takeru would have made us dinner, and we'd chat about school and stress before we head back to our rooms.

Takeru would go jogging a few minutes after dinner and that never fails to drive Semi insane.

"I mean, I've over-worked myself a lot too, but he's ridiculous." He says, one day, while sitting at the desk. I giggle, putting my bookmark in the page I am reading before I sit up and cross my legs.

"Eita, aren't you joining the volleyball club here?"

Semi turns his chair a little and faces me, and I see that he has a distant look on his face while he smiles a little.

"It's obvious, right?"

"Yep. When are the admissions?"

"I'm glad you asked," He responds, turning to take a file from his backpack and handing it to me. Confused, I open the file and see two sheets of paper, and as soon as I read the heading, my jaw drops open.

"I am not."

"Come on."


Semi squints his eyes at me, moving his computer chair towards the bed, coming close enough for me to feel slightly intimidated.

"Why not?"

"I don't want to join the volleyball team," I respond, handing the sheets back to him. "I don't remember anything I did back in elementary school, and I'm lazy. Plus, I'm too busy obsessing over b-"

"I keep asking myself why I like you, and I never, ever get a legit reason." He mutters, taking the paper and stuffing it back in his file. "I can teach you. We can practice together."

"Eita, the last time you asked me to serve a ball for you so that you can toss it, it hit Chikara-san's backdoor so hard that you swore you'll never let me touch a ball again."

"I take it back."

"... And that's it?" I ask, unable to stop grinning because Semi is actually able to keep a straight face while he said it. Expressionless people never failed to amuse me, and dating a major one can actually be a pain in the neck at times.

"Yeah. You can't just waste your life crying over seven good-looking Koreans and waiting for them to come to Tokyo." He says, and I gasp, because he actually looks serious while he goes back to his desk and fills up the form.

"I totally can!"

"Well, I'm not going to let you. Just join for one semester, if it's too hard on you, then you can quit."

When Semi decides something, there's no point in trying to refuse, because he will get his way. Maybe it only works on me, because he's my soulmate and I'm way too weak when it comes to him. Sighing, I glance at my wrist, rubbing a finger on my mark.

"Do you think there's a reason why our soulmates are fixed for us?" I call. Semi doesn't turn around, but I can see him shrugging, his shoulders rising slightly as he bends his neck down to fill the form out.

"Yeah, there's a reason."


"Do you really want to know?" He calls back, and I throw a piece of toffee from my bedside table at him.

"Ouch. But really, do you think you can handle the reason?"

"Yeah, why?"

Semi puts his pen down and gets up, this time climbing onto the bed and leaning against the bedpost beside me.

"Because if idiots like you were asked to pick your own soulmates, you'd probably pick even bigger idiots."

"You're really cruel." I hiss, and Semi is laughing a little as he takes one piece of my earphones off and putting it in his ear.

"What are you listening to? Oh, it's a Japanese song."

"Yeah. But you know what I think? I feel like we actually have a lot of soulmates."


"I mean. For example, you're my soulmate, right? And then there's Hichimiya. I'm pretty sure she's my soulmate, but in a different way from you. And Tendou, Aimee... They're all important to me and the reasons are that they have perfect understanding of you. So like, someone who'd really different from you can totally be your soulmate."

Semi stares hard at me for a long while, not moving until the song I had on then ends.

"I like that song."

"Are you not going to respond to what I said?"

He picks up his phone from his pocket, taking my one afterwards and typing in the passlock before going to the music app. I am seconds away from slapping him when I see him send the song from my phone to his, and he does not respond to what I said until after he does all of that.

"I think there's something wrong with your head."


"What's you next essay's topic?"

"Um..." I start, and he snatches the book before I can keep it away. I can tell that he knew exactly what it was, because he looks at me with an annoyed expression on his face.

"Can't believe you have to write about soulmates. So you're doing research?" He wants to know, flipping through the pages a little before handing it back to me. "Are you planning on majoring in literature?"

"I'm not sure yet, it's only been two weeks so far, Eita... Wait, are you sleepy already?" I ask, when he takes off the earphone and lies down on the bed.

"Yep. I'll rest now, make sure you don't stay up late, okay?"

Nodding, I move to one side and he rests his head on a pillow, shutting his eyes as soon as he does. The tips of his hair have started to fade in colour, and his hair looks like it hasn't been brushed in days.

"College is really stressful, huh?" Takeru, who's at the kitchen drinking some milk, asks me later when I step outside to get a drink.

"It is. High school is stressful too. Did you finish your homework?"

"Een, I have always scored better grades than you."

I am punching his arm when there is a ringing of a bell. Takeru dodges me and goes to answer the door instead, spilling milk on the counter as he does. Irritated, I go to the sink and clean the mess up, and Takeru does not return even when I finish doing so.

"Takeru? Who is it?" I call, stepping out to the hallway. My brother has the door opened, his widened eyes turning to me when he hears my voice. Wondering what was going on, I walk to the door, and I can understand his reaction.

Because standing in front of the door, holding two grocery bags with his lips pressed into a thin line is our father.


a/n; rip

Drizzles of a Symphony • Semi EitaWhere stories live. Discover now