❥ sixtieth drizzle.

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❥ Soulmate AU; Where your soulmate gets a mark on his skin, the moment you fall in love with him.

• Semi x Een •


"So, let me get this straight. For your coursework, you've been compiling a portfolio of 15 works, with that strider guy," Semi says, sipping some coffee, "And now you have to write a revised, final draft of every single thing you've done?"


"How many works have you done so far?"

"Eight, and a half. Reiji hasn't finished the second half of our latest one."

Takeru shifts in his seat, reaching for the butter and spreading some on his toast. "And how long is each work?"

"Around two thousand words. Four thousand, tops."

"What the fuck."

Semi almost coughs up his drink, placing a hand over his mouth. Takeru looks a little started, going back to his usual bored expression before he takes a bite.

"That's going to be a lot of work..."

"Yeah. That's why it's called a 'coursework'." I explain, taking my cleared dishes to the sink. "I'll load these and go. Eita, can you give me a ride?"

"Yeah wait." He stands up, picking up his glass of juice before he follows me to the sink. Picking up my backpack, I say goodbye to Takeru, who nods and then the two of us head outside to the parking lot.

"I have two assignments due on Sunday which I haven't started." Semi lets me know, when I climb to the back of his motorcycle. "I didn't think Calculus would be this hard."

"What, really? Then why don't you come with us to the library to do your assignments too?"

"Nah." He responds, eyes not leaving the road, but I could see his reflection from the mirror on the left and he has a little smile on his face. "I can't concentrate, if I do that."



"Okay, fine. How is the volleyball club coming along?"

Semi lets out a loud grunt in response. "There are about 20 people who are competing for the position of the setter," he finally says, "And they'll be picking two people out of that. Seriously, being the setter is the hardest to aim because there's only one in each team."

"You really are gonna try hard for that, aren't you?"

"Of course. Have you ever seen me slacking?"

I giggle in response. To some extent, Semi is annoying but he is so in a teasing way and that never fails to make me laugh.

"Nope, Sir. Never have I ever."

I can see the way he takes a glance at me from the mirror of the bike once again, and when I tighten my grip on his waist and hug him closer, he continues to have the faintest of smiles throughout the entire ride to college.



"Aimee? Hi..." I find myself struggling a little with words while I dunk some churros into chocolate sauce. Semi sits in front of me, eating soy-dunked tofu but I can tell that he is listening to what I'm talking about. "The thing is... We got an extra ticket for the concert!"

Drizzles of a Symphony • Semi EitaWhere stories live. Discover now