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"P-please don't hurt me! I'll have your money in a month!" A middle aged man begged the group before him. His face was beaten severely, a slip lip that was spilling blood down his chin, and an eye swollen shut.

"Maybe you should've thought about that before skipping town!" The eldest man in the group snarled before pistol whipping the elder man. As a result, the man's head whipped to the side and a long slash was opened along his cheekbone. The beaten man had ran from Daegu to Seoul in hopes that he'd be able to escape the wrath of the gang he dared cross paths with. His hand instinctively went up to his cheek to wipe away the blood and just as he did so, the man holding the gun lifted it once more into prime pistol whipping position. But before the gun came down on the man, a pale hand was placed on the tall man's shoulder.

"You know Enzo," a voice said from inside the patronizing group of hard looking men. "Being physical isn't always the most entertaining way to scare someone into complying." The voice chuckled before a mid-height man stepped out from behind Enzo.

Through his swollen eye and blurry vision, the middle aged man looked up and caught a glimpse of a pure white hair. Immediately, the man cowered in fear, knowing exactly who was crouched down before him. It was Suga, the head of the most dangerous gang in Daegu. Despite his innocent face, the tattoos and overall aura Yoongi carried made everyone steer clear of him. 

"How about this instead," Yoongi spoke, pulling the sleek jackal handgun from the back waistband of his ripped black jeans. Yoongi released the safety and cocked the gun before placing the nuzzle flat against the beaten man's head. "Deliver 500 grand to us by Friday, or I blow your daughter's brains out while you watch. /Or, I can kill you now and send your head to her in the mail." Yoongi said smoothly with a crooked smile on his face. "Its your choice." He finished before staring at the man intently, keeping the cool metal of the gun against the man's skin.

"I'll bring you the money." The man stuttered out after a few seconds of debating the options.

"Fantastic choice!" Yoongi chirped happily, un-cocking the gun and turning the safety back on before returning it to the back of his jeans. Yoongi stood straight and wiped his hands on his pants before turning to his group of henchmen. "Daesuk and Jungho," Yoongi called out, gaining the mentioned men's attention. They both stepped out of the crowd before walking over to Yoongi's side. "See that Mr. Kwon gets home safely, its dangerous around here this late at night. I have some business to attend to so the rest of you are dismissed." With that, Yoongi made his way out of the alley and back onto the main street. He pulled his hood up to cover his hair before pulling out a pack of menthols and lighting one up. Yoongi took a long drag, the nicotine calming him the slightest.

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