Mr. Jung and Ms. Kwon

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Yoongi shook his head with a small sigh when Chim turned around and waved in almost a hesitant but friendly manner before facing forward again and continuing on his way.

"Was that who I'm assuming it was?" Enzo spoke up after a few moments of silence between the duo. His voice was uncertain but had an overwhelming feeling of action ready that helped ease Yoongi's mind. All Yoongi did in response at first was give his partner a curt nod. Being followed so closely by three other men was suspicious enough on its own, but the fact that the men acted the exact way that Enzo did along with the type of building the group entered all sealed the deal for Yoongi. He needed to have the upper hand because there was no way he'd be able to afford being blindsided at this point of the game. He was so close to finally setting up here for good. Yoongi threw his half finished cigarette to the ground and stopped it out in annoyance before turning to Enzo. Yoongi stepped over to the side on the sidewalk so he was out of the way. He pulled his cellphone out of his picket and quickly dialed a number. The line rang for about two times before a soft and feminine voice answered the phone.

"Hello, this is Soobin. How may I help you"

"Hello Soobin, may I speak to Mr. Jung? Its an urgent matter." Yoongi said politely. 'Mr. Jung' worked for an underground intel agency under the guise of  a travel agency. It was actually quite clever because with each survey and customer the travel half got, the more information the intel half got.

"I'm sorry sir, he's currently out of the office. Can I take a message?" The woman said kindly and he could hear the quiet sound of rustling paper.

"Please do. The message is just '1497 Westwood Drive at.." Yoongi starting, before looking to Enzo for the time.

"Its noon." Enzo whispered to Yoongi, answering his unspoken question.

"At 10 o'clock." Yoongi finished for the woman. "And as for who the message is from just put Gemini. He will know what it means."

"Thank you sir, I'll deliver the message when Mr. Jung is back." She said after a few seconds, mostly likely because she was writing down Yoongi's message.

"Thank you." Yoongi said curtly and promptly hung up the phone. With that bit of business done, Yoongi slipped his phone back into his pocket and turned towards Enzo once more. "Its Friday correct?" Yoongi already knew the answer, but he wanted to confirm it so he could keep his word.

"It is." Enzo began, already knowing where Yoongi was going with his question. "And as of now, no money has been delivered." Yoongi let out a sigh at Enzo's last statement.

"It'll be a hassle if you come along, after all the more people that are at a crime scene, the more likely it is we will get caught." Yoongi shook his head once more and held out a hand towards Enzo. The taller man slipped a small black box from the inside pocket of his jacket and placed it in Yoongi's hand. With out even needing to check, he already knew the contents: a silencer for his jackal compact, and a pair of disposable gloves. Yoongi slipped the container into his pants pocket beside his cigarette pack before turning away from Enzo and heading to the house of Ms. Kwon.

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