Why So Curious?

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"Clearly it isn't.." He said softly, agreeing with the mans saying minding his business wasn't his forte. He was looking and asking more than the average person, and his manerisms weren't that of the typical man you'd see walking down any street of Seoul. Jimin could only come to one conclusion as to why someone, like the man before him, would be so curious and in such a place like they were not at such an ungodly hour.

"Well, I don't know how to be anything else.. And who's to say I wouldn't get any business. Some people appreciate someone with personality." He said, rubbing his nose with the side of his index finger, more so out of habit than due to his feelings toward his current situation."At least I wouldn't waste my money on someone who couldn't entertain me in more than one way. Those bitches are too expensive to not get all that you want outta 'em."

The minute the last set of words left Yoongi's mouth, Jimin's lips curled up into a mishcevious smile and both of his eyebrows rose slowly before a soft, crackly chuckle left his lips. "You really do have a porblem with mindin' your business,huh?" He shook his head in both disbelief and humor of the mans directness, keeping his stance even when the man stepped toward him. "None of your damn business is what this is." He wasn't intentionally cussing or laughing in disrespect, but that was just how he got down. He didn't usually care who he was talking to, because at the end of the day they were all a bunch of dirtbags trying to make their way up the latter to success in one of the shitiest best ways possible. That, and there weren't too many times in his life where he was corrected or put in his place due to his speech, so he never bothered to fix or filter the way he spoke.

He took in a slow breathe when the next cloud of smoke was relieved from the mans lungs and he was overcome by the stronger scent of the smoke; in comparison to his own, these smelt more harsh and at first Jimin wasn't too sure how he felt about it, but after a few seconds he learned that he didn't mind it all that much. "Unless you actually have an interest in doin' some business with me, I won't be answerin' any questions, much less in the middle of the sidewalk at zero o'clock at night." Jimin proceeded to watch the guy before him, furrowing his brows in momentary confusion whenever he began to pull his tongue between his teeth and when it finally clicked that he was possible messing around with a piercing of some sort, Jimni's features softened and he spoke out again. "What are you doin' out at this time anyway? Other than bein' a creep and watchin'  people from the sidewalk?" He asked playfully, looking over the man a little more closely than before now that their proximity was lessened. He took note of the eyebrow piercing the male had, but other than that there weren't any other apparent changes to what would be considered his natural look- aside from the snow white hair, that is.

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