Second First Encounter?

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"So what were you thinking of getting done?" Haneul asked as he led Yoongi into the small room that contained all of the required equipment. Yoongi pinched the butt of his freshly lit cigarette between his left forefinger and thumb and gingerly pulled it from between his lips. Because of the way he was holding the cigarette, he had to be cautious of his sleeve and palm. There had been many more times than he'd like to admit where he either burnt his palm or singed his clothes and it was pretty embarrassing.

"I was thinking of getting a touch up on this puppy," Yoongi said and patted his left hip where a pistol tattoo was happily at home. "and I'd like a new neck piece." Yoongi explained a bit vaguely before taking a drag of his cigarette. "Maybe something like this?" He said fishing a folded up sheet of paper from his back pocket.

"Sounds doable." Haneul chuckled as he patted the chair and instructed Yoongi to take his shirt and jacket off. Yoongi smiled happily before doing as he was told.

The session took about 45 minutes and to say Yoongi was pleased with the results was an extreme understatement. The newly marked skin stung from the moisturizer he just put on, but it was a welcome sensation. The black jackal, nearly identical to his real gun, was expertly detailed and even with just being touched up, it still looked beautiful and all of the small details were just as noticeable as before. But what he was most satisfied with was his newest addition. A crisp black line trailed directly down the middle of his neck, starting from the beginning of his neck and ended just below his collarbones. Underneath the line was possibly the most intricate design he'd ever seen. A white and black snake intertwined together to create a loose knot. But what threatened to take his breath away was the detail. The design was only about the size of a deck of cards, but Yoongi could see each and every scale Haneul included.

"Goddamn." Yoongi mumbled before taking the last drag of his cigarette. "You never fail to surpass my expectations." He chuckled while turning to Haneul. "How much do I owe you?" Yoongi asked fishing around in his jean pockets trying to find his card.

"You don't owe me anything," Haneul chuckled before sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. "consider this an apology gift for Nani's disrespect. Yoongi peeked up at Haneul, surprised at the man's words. He knew that he could be a bit quick to pull the trigger, but he wasn't going to do anything right now because of Doll face's actions. "I also had her run and pick up a few packs for you since she made you waste a few." All Yoongi could do was smile at Haneul as a sign of gratitude; after all, Yoongi wasnt the type to say 'thank you' to someone below him.

Yoongi slipped his v-necked shirt back on and then slid on his cloth-hooded leather jacket. Before he left the room, he heard the artist behind him say a quick 'thanks for your business' as he began to clean his tools and machine. Yoongi smirked as he left the back of the shop and sauntered up to Nani.
"I heard you have a present for me, Doll face." His sly smirk was quite obvious and even if you weren't looking in his direction, you'd still know that he was smirking. All Nani did was scoff before placing two packs of cigarettes on the counter along with a new bic lighter. "Aw, how sweet of you." He chuckled at the addition of a lighter to his 'gift'.

"Please leave before I do something regret.." She muttered, her stubbornness still apparent despite the fear he had instilled in her less than an hour ago.

"As you wish darling." Yoongi laughed a bit, unwrapping one pack and sticking the second into the inside pocket of his jacket. Yoongi popped open the top and pulled a sleek black cigarette from its place among the rest. He placed the cigarette between his lips as he turned and walked out of the parlor. It took a few times, but eventually the new lighter sparked to life with a strong flame. Yoongi lit the fresh cig just as he was crossing the threshold of the parlor.

The first thing Yoongi noticed was the slight chill and bite to the air, meaning it would probably start raining soon. But the second thing he noticed was what sparked his interest and caused him to stick around for longer than he intended. A silver car was parked along the curb not too far from the shop, and this wouldn't have been unusual if it wasn't for the fact that the car was running and seemed to have quite a few people inside. There were a few options that this situation could have been, but nevertheless, Yoongi sunk back into the shadows a bit. The first option was a possible drive by (even though he was the only semi-visible person on the street), or a deal was being made. Something in Yoongi's gut led him to believe it was the second option.

Yoongi stood nonchalantly and waited to see what would happen. He was about half way finished with his cigarette when the shine of one of the silver doors moving, notified him that someone was stepping out of the vehicle. A petite looking man with what looked like a deep purple hair color stepped out of the car and tapped the roof before the vehicle drove off. Something about the black backpack that was hanging from the man's shoulder was just too casual. Thats when Yoongi decided to speak up.

"Whatcha sellin'" He spoke, letting a large puff of smoke drift towards the man in front of him as Yoongi took a few steps away from the wall he'd been leaning against.

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