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Yoongi had spent the last hour cleaning up the apartment and talking to himself as if he was talking to Ms. Kwon, just in case any neighbors were listening in. He took the time to douse the floor in hydrogen peroxide to dissolve the blood after moving Jina's body to the bathroom. She was placed unceremoniously in the tub, the shower curtain ripped off and taped over the top to contain the smells of decomposition until the pressure built up to rip open the seal.

Everything looked spotless and the chemicals he used did more than the traditional bleach so he knew it would take a while for the cops to realize she was killed in the middle of the living room instead of the bathroom where her body will be found. Yoongi was a different type of leader than most 'traditional' gang leaders; he didn't start turf wars and didn't do gang hits. He was a business man, so thats how he operated his gang. If there was an issue, they would settle it with an agreement or compromise.

Once Ms. Kwon's apartment was void of anything that looked suspicious at first glance, Yoongi made his way to her kitchen. He'd previous taken out some zip lock bags he found, so once he was back in the kitchen, he took out one of the transparent bags. Yoongi stripped the black latex gloves off of his pale tattooed hands and shoved the slightly bloody things into the zip lock bag. He was meticulous about making sure he left no physical evidence behind, that he didn't even need to go back and double check that everything was in its place. Now its time to meet with the one and only Mr. Jung.

Yoongi paced back and forth in the small room he used as an office temporarily. He was currently looking for a permanent residence for his addition in Seoul, and was supposed to be doing paper work for said residence, but instead he was stressing an unbelievable amount over this so called 'Chim'. I guess you could say that Yoongi had a slightly paranoia prone personality and mindset, but these irrational thoughts helped him prepare for any possible outcome. Its also the main reason why he isn't dead yet. Yoongi's pacing had been interrupted by a brisk two knocks on the closed door. One of the men he'd brought from Daegu opened the door, stepping half way in.

"Sir, someone is here to see you." The man said in a professional and respectful tone that Yoongi appreciated. He knew it was most likely Mr. Jung as it was quickly approaching 10 pm, but asked to make sure.

"What's the name they gave you?" Yoongi asked in a serious tone. Even though he was freaking out on the inside, no one else had to know.

"Gemini, sir." The man replied curtly, only saying the information what he was directly asked to provide.

"Send him in." Yoongi muttered with a wave of his hand as he turned to sit at the small table in the room. His desk was currently covered in newt stacks of paper, and as much as he trusted Mr. Jung, there are some documents meant for Yoongi's eyes only that he doesn't particularly want the man to see. After the man left and closed the door, it opened a minute or so later as another person walked in.

"Suga!" Yoongi heard a cheerful voice say from behind him as the door to the office closed. A small smile appeared on Yoongi's face at the sound of Mr. Jung's voice; Jung Hoseok to be exact.

"Ah, Hoseok." Yoongi smiled. Ever since Yoongi gained control of the gang, Hoseok has been his go to contact for information about anyone and anything. And although he didn't have all of Yoongi's trust, Hoseok was definitely the one Yoongi trusted most in this industry. Enzo of course was the first on Yoongi's list of most trusted, but Hoseok was first for people who he worked with. "Please, take a seat."

Hoseok walked over to the small table and sat down in the seat directly in front of Yoongi. "So what do you need from me?" Yoongi always enjoyed how straight to the point Hoseok was when it came to business; a quality not many others that Yoongi has come across had.

"Get me everything you can on a man named Chim. He's new to town."

It has been three days since Yoongi spoke to Hoseok about getting information on 'Chim'. It has been three long days without knowing a single thing about the other man. Yoongi had no idea what the man's intentions were, and if those intentions involved him at all. Hoseok said it wouldn't take him long to dig up the needed information, but for some reason, the time it has taken so far was making Yoongi anxious. He was currently out walking the streets with Enzo, scoping things out, especially since there was a shooting not too long ago. They had just passed a club that was setting up to open for the night when Yoongi's phone began to ring.

"Hello?" Yoongi answered the phone. He didnt bother to check to see if there was any collar id because he knew there wasnt. To protect himself and the people he works with, he has resorted to not saving any phone numbers and just committing to memory the ones he knows he needs.

"Suga, its Hoseok." The man on the other line said. Yoongi heard something that sounded like shuffling papers before Hoseok spoke up again. "So, it took a bit longer than I expected because this dude is almost completely off the charts. No prior convictions, no police records, nothing." Hoseoks words worried Yoongi a bit. There were three options for what this could mean; one: Yoongi was given a false alias that hasn't existed before this point, two: the supposed drug hand off that went down wasn't actually a drug deal, three: this man was much much better at covering his tracks than Yoongi would've ever expected.

"I couldn't find anything until I stumbled across a site on the deep web. It was a list of reputable hitmen for hire, and guess what an anagram just happened to come out to... 'park chim' " Hoseok said in a smug voice. A wave of mild relief washed over Yoongi at the fact that Hoseok managed to find information on the man after all. "But there is some other stuff I found. I heard this off the grape vine, but I double checked with some reliable sources so it checks out as far as I know."

"What is it?" Yoongi asked. He didn't need to speak much during calls like this, after all, he knew Hoseok would eventually answer all of his questions.

"Someone wants you gone, and I'm pretty sure they hired Chim to take you out."

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