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It took around two hours of walking for Yoongi to reach his destination. It was risky walking out in the open like this, but he couldn't wait any longer to follow through with his word otherwise poor Mr. Kown might think he's off the hook. Kwon Jina was Mr. Kwon's only daughter, and Yoongi figured her worth was close to the same amount as the money the man owed him, and when he doesn't get paid, Yoongi takes something of equal value. He briskly made his way up the apartment complex steps and plastered on a fake sense of worry and panic. Reaching the top, Yoongi eagerly rang Jina's door ringer four times to get her attention.

"Um, hello?" A female voice said through the speaker. Yoongi took a beep breath, making sure he could pull this off like he wanted to.

"Jina? Kwon Jina?" He asked, panic laced in his tone. "I'm an acquaintance of your father's." He said, making sure his voice shook a bit with worry.

"Is he okay? What happened?" The woman asked with a tone identical to Yoongi's, except her's was genuine.

"I can't explain out here, it's too sensitive. Buzz me in and I'll explain everything in your apartment." Yoongi requested with a sense of urgency in his tone that would surely make anyone panic, even if they weren't directly involved in the situation. Shortly after he spoke, a mechanical buzzing sounded from the locked door before a brisk clink of the lock was heard. Yoongi, still overflowing with false worry and panic, urgently threw the door open and sprinted up the stairs to the third floor. He stopped in front of apartment 387 and knocked quickly about three times. Although Yoongi was in impeccable shape, he quickened his breathing and slouched over a bit to help sell the panic.

The apartment door swung open and a woman close to Yoongi's age had a horrifically panicked facial expression. "Is my father okay? Please tell me he's alright!" She pleaded, pulling Yoongi into her home.

"Calm down, everything is going to be alright." Yoongi said soothingly, hoping that this could instill some trust so she would lower her guard. "I, and a few others haven't been able to reach him and it doesn't look like he's been home for a while. Maybe you could try calling him and see if he will pick up for you." He calmly stated but still made sure there was enough false worry to keep the woman panicked. As soon as she turned away from him to pick up her phone, he pulled the pistol from his back waistband and pistol whipped her, leaving her unconscious and limp on the floor. Yoongi then quickly got to work.

Ms. Kwon woke up maybe half an hour later, zip-tied to a chair and a chunk of cloth in her mouth. While the woman struggled to see if she could free herself from the chair, Yoongi was twisting the suppressor onto his favorite and trusted weapon. The suppresser was his favorite forensic counter measure because each time a bullet passed through the chamber, the walls destroyed the signature marks left by his gun's barrel. The best part was, that each time a bullet passed through, the amount of destruction and new markings added was different; it was a wonderful addition to his arsenal. While she was passed out and already restrained, he had gotten changed into a pair of her significant other's clothes that he found while rummaging around her apartment. Thankfully the black track pants and wind breaker were the perfect material to prevent any blood from seeping through onto his own clothes, because really, it would be a hassle if that happened.

"Jina, Jina, Jina." Yoongi tsked as he sulked closer to the tied up woman. "Didn't your parents ever tell you not to trust strangers?" He mocked with a sinister and evil smirk on his face. The woman before him was terrified, heavy and constant tears streaming down her face as her whimpers and cries were drowned by the cloth gag. "Oh!" Yoongi snapped his fingers and pointed at her. "That's right, daddy was a deadbeat and mommy was a druggie, when would they have had time to teach you that?" He had done some digging around in the Kwon family's history and past before considering business with Mr. Kwon so it was inevitable that he would have stumbled across the little details like these, and he used them to his advantage every chance he got. He could hear her pained and choked sobs in response to a comment and let a pleased smile slip in to replace the smirk.

Yoongi stepped closer and used the tip of his suppressor to pull the gag from her mouth, after all, he enjoyed it more when he could hear the fear in someones voice. Jina opened her mouth to scream, but as soon as her lips parted, Yoongi placed the barrel of his gun into her mouth. "Ah ah ah." Yoongi chuckled. "If I even see you considering screaming for help, I wont hesitate to blow your brains out." Yoongi stared the woman dead in the eye with an emotionless expression as he spoke, and just soaked in all of the terror and fear seeping from the woman. It was truly remarkable how terrified people are of guns, and how submissive and manipulatable that fear makes them. They would do anything to stay alive, and it was something Yoongi cherished, but also loved to destroy. No matter how much they would beg, he'd never give them the satisfaction of surviving the encounter.

"You know," he began, pulling the coffee table closer before sitting on it. "Your father owes me a lot of money. I gave his deadline an extension because I hoped that he would deliver on his word but here we are." Yoongi tilted his head to the side and observed the changes of Jina's fascial expression. "He owes me roughly half a million dollars, so I figured his child's life is worth about the same." Yoongi shifted his grip on the gun from his right hand to his left and placed his pointer finger on the trigger. He carefully cocked the gun, putting a bullet into the chamber before pulling a surgical face mask down; the less cleanup the better. "Consider this my reimbursement of the financial loss I have suffered at your father's hands." Without a single ounce of hesitation, Yoongi pulled the trigger.

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