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After the car was long gone and Jimin could all but make out the back lights, the young man stepped back up onto the sidewalk, running his fingers of his left hadn through his hair, fluffed it for a couple of seconds and then let his hand drop down to his side.

 He didn't expect anyone to pay attention to him, much less sit back and watch or anything of that sort, so when he heard someone speak up from behind him, he was more than surprised. Not in a startled or scared way, but in a 'oh. what the fuck' type of way. So, when he fully processed what had just been asked of him, he turned around slowly to face the source of the voice and before him was a man whom, to his surprise, was a man who didn't look to be much larger than himself, but before allowing himself a good look, his left brow shot up and scoffed.

"'Scuse me?" He asked, not bothering to wave the puff of smoke that was blown in his direction, and not too sure if he heard the other man man correctly. What was he selling? Why was assuming that he was selling something, of all things, when there was a very much full, not in the slightest bit empty, backpack dangling from his back. He found it a little funny that was the mans assumption, considering. "I'm not a prostitute, so if you're lookin' for a piece of ass this is not the right direction." He said, now taking the time to look the man up and down. Not that the poorly lit street allowed him to make out too many details; just that he had somewhat of a handsome face, short white hair that Jimin couldn't help but acknowledge suited him, and his attire was pretty simple.

 "You should mind your own business, y'know." He said with three clicks of his tongue  as he took a few steps in the mans directions, but instead of walking to stand in front of him, he walked past the man and very obviously gave him the one up, a smirk gracing his puffy lips while doing so. "Are you sellin' anything?" He asked, mostly mocking the man, but partly because he wanted to see if he'd get a smart-ass remark in return or be ignored.

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