Guilty By Association

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 The rush which Jimin got from completing a mission was one which could never be compared to anything else; not even to the feeling of sex, or the numb high you got from doing a line of coke or even choking someone out with your own hands. His form of execution was near flawless, swift and in his eyes, fullproof.

 One second everything seemed to be peaceful and within seconds of the trigger being pulled, small worlds turned from peace and joy into utter and complete chaos. That feeling of destruction without necessarily having to be up close, without having to get your hands dirty was the most fulfilling. Okay, well, maybe not the most fulfilling part, but it was definitely a good reason to continue doing it.


Later that night when they got to the underground parking lot to the apartment complex which they lived, Jimin slung his duffle bag over his shoulder and within seconds of stepping out of the back of the car, the car was off and he heard three doors close before being surrounded by his men which always brought a sick kind of smile to form on his lips, but on his baby face he still managed to look.. as cute as someone like him could be.

 When they got onto the elevate on their way up back to their apartment, Jimin's phone buzzed in the back of his pocket, and being that his nerves had calmed after an hour or two after driving he figured it'd be alright to check to see who it was. Not that he really had names in his phone or all but two saved phone numbers, but he had faith in his good memory to keep track of all of the important numbers and when he felt like he wasn't going to be able to remember a number because a lack of business or importance, he simply saved it under a code number.. However, this number was one of those rare ones which was very much important and saved.

 He waited until they got off of the elevator to open the text message and read it carefully once he realized who the sender was. He depended on the men walking in front of him to guide his way toward the door as he read the message, to no ones surprise they got to the door and inside safely, but by that time he was finished reading and dropped his duffle bag at the side of the door, waiting until the door was closed and locked to look up from his phone and sighed something potentially problematic. 

"Looks like we can expect some news soon fellas.. Hobi-yah says he has something for us." He shook his head slowly with a smirk on his face and tossed his phone onto the couch, soon following it as he fell onto the suede cushions on his back to end up looking up at the ceiling. "Don't tell me it's going to be about that little fucker," He brought both of his hands to his face and rubbed his temples before letting out a much exaggerated sigh, resulting in a few confused look from his compadres.


 It was about two days after Jimin had recieved the text message that him and Hobi were to meet up. In fact, Jimin had already lefft his apartment with the accompaniment of Ryu and figuring it would be best not to stick out like a sore thumb, Ryu suggested they dress more casually, especially since they were to meet in a public place (Jimin often preferred meetings outside because it allowed him to you know, breathe for a moment) and so they did just that. They were due to meet at a restaurant downtown, a small little place with few customers and somewhat decent food and Jimin had been waiting for about ten minutes when he was greeted at his table by a familiar voice and a face hidden behind sunglasses.

"My favorite fuck buddy~" Jimin said with a playful wiggle of his eyebrows and all too daring bite of his lip to which got no other reaction than Hobi sliding his glasses down the bridge of his nose to reveal his eyes a bit to wink at the smaller male sitting before him." And if it isn't my favorite piece of ass," Hobi replied as he occupied the seat across from Jimin.

 "How are you Chim Chim?" He asked, pushing his sunglasses back up and reaching over to grab the mans cup of water and steal a sip.

 Jimin shrugged and watched HoeSuck with raised brows as he reached over and stole his cup. "Better than you, I'm sure.. Now tell me, what's up? You know I don't like wasting time. Not when we both know we could be talking about something more important than feelings."


"I'm telling you it's the guy from the other night," Jimin insisted, slamming the door behind him as they walked back into the apartment, muttering just about every curse word under his breathe as he removed his hat and threw it at his feet. "God dammit! We can't afford to be move around again." 

"What makes you so sure that this Yoongi guy is the same guy you met?" Ryu made the mistake of questioning Jimin's suspicions and the smaller male shot him a menacing glare.

"What the fuck kind of a question is that? He's the only person who has been suspicious of us since we've arrived in Seoul and you're asking me why the fuck I think it's him? The guy was prying harder than you try to get some dick." Jimin let out an exasperated sigh and began removing his jacket hastily. "You realize we're going to have to take care of this now, right? We've been set up by someone and I'll be damned if I let that frosty headed son of a bitch wins." He said through clenched teeth. "I didn't fuck the people I did just to be threatened by some random, no name gang banger."

There was pretty much no one could do for the next few hours to calm the nerves of the ticking time bomb that was now Jimin. If there was one thing he hated, it was being played, but what he didn't realize and what Yoongi didn't realize was that Hoseok was the one setting either of them up for defeat- potentially anyway. Now it was up to the two of them what was to happen next, and if it weren't for Jimin's fear of ending up like his old man he more than likely would have started devising a plan to somehow get at this so-called Yoongi, but instead he was pacing throughout their home, kicking things over and acting out, knowing that if he didn't now, someone else could end up paying for something they never asked for.

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