Evasive Hypocrite

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A small chuckle left Yoongi's lips with the man's uncanny comment on the plastic wanna-be Barbies that most prostitutes in this area are. All 'looks' and no personality, if you could even consider those women attractive. Unlike most strangers he spoke to, Yoongi felt a bit comfortable with the stranger, mostly because they seemed to have a few similarities and because they were both direct and honest with each other so far. And just like he'd done before, Yoongi waited patiently until it was his own turn to speak.

"Now how am I supposed to know if I'm interested in doing business if I don't know what you're selling?" Yoongi laughed and pulled his just opened pack of cigarettes from his jacket pocket. "And the questions I asked you are completely reasonable when considering doing business," he continued and eyed the man before him for a second or two. Since they were having a conversation at this point, he figured it'd be a bit more acceptable if he was caught staring. So Yoongi took this opportunity to give the man a not so subtle one up. He was decent looking enough for Yoongi to be intrigued, and that only sparked his curiosity; bumping it up to an extremely dangerous level. "I'd understand if you were spooked by me asking for your name or some shit but cmon, you're bein a little overly cautious don't ya think?" Yoongi kept his gaze on the man, doing his best to observe any specific details he might have besides his piercings, y'know, just in case. "I'm just out here, being a creep, watching people. That's it. But asking me those types of questions is a bit hypocritical of you." Yoongi smirked playfully back at the man. He was in the mood to be an evasive little shit mostly as payback for being told to mind his business.

Yoongi flipped open the carton he'd been holding in his hand for a while now as he pulled the butt of the finished cigarette from between his lips. He dropped it to the ground before putting it out with the heel of his shoe letting a small sigh of anticipation fall from his lips. He pulled two cigarettes out of the carton without any hesitation and placed one between his lips. He flicked the lighter on and inhaled deeply. There was no way he wasn't going to soak in this first drag as much as he could. Yoongi kept the same smirk on his lips as he offered one of the cigarettes out to the stranger across from him. There was just something about the way the stranger reacted, or the lack of any reaction at all from that just screamed 'I'm a smoker' at Yoongi, and since the man had yet to light up, he figured why not and gain some brownie points and share for once.

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