Intro : Jeemean

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"I told you already," Jimin said, his voice soft as he blew out a light puff of smoke through his nose, simultaneously flicking the grey ashes that had accumilated at the end of his cigarette while he'd waited for Kiwon to speak his peace. "I'm takin' care of everything just fine, and if you don't get off my nuts soon I'll have to teach you to leave me th'fuck alone." He sighed deeply, and with his left hand stowed away on the pocket of his jacket, he took a slow drag of the cigarette in his right hand and let out another faint cloud of smoke through his nose.

"I don't want your company, and I sure as hell don't want your naggin' me about shit. You don't pay me, so don't put your nose where it doesn't belong.." Jimin felt that he had made himself clear. He shouldn't have to get into more detail about why it wasn't any of Kiwon's concern what he did or when or how he did it. He got what he needed done, and as far as he was concerned, their asses had toilet paper to be wiped with, so why was he being questioned?

It would seem though, that Kiwon didn't know how to grasp the concept and he continued to go on. "Maybe if you'd stop being a little bitch about it, I wouldn't have to ask so often." The brown-haired man retorted, looking at Jimin sideways as he spoke, arms crossed over his chest and his chin raised the slightest bit. It wasn't hard for Jimin to tell when someone was looking down on him, considering he was rather a petite man, and that was one thing he hated. Most people thought that because he was a relatively small guy that they could just get away with shit, but Kiwon should have known better by now, however it didn't seem like he did.

Calling Jimin a bitch and looking down at him physically and in terms of who Jimin was. This guy must have thought his sheet really didn't stink.

Jimin took another drag of his cigarette, slipping his left hand from out of his pocket as he stood from leaning up against the brick wall of the side of the apartment complex they were currently waiting at. Thankfully they had been at the back, otherwise what Jimin was about to do next might get him in a bit of trouble, if the authorities were to catch him. "Maybe if I stopped being a little bitch, huh?" Jimin questioned, stepping in front of Kiwon and placing his left hand up against the wall, a little lower than his shoulder since the other male had been a few inches taller than himself. He flicked his cigarette free of loose ashes once more and slowly brought it to the space between their faces. Well, between his own face and more-so at Kiwon's chin. "Let me make a suggestion regarding your attitude: check that shit quick before you get yourself in trouble." He spoke firmly, looking at Kiwon directly in the eyes as he spoke, narrowing his eyes the slightest bit.

Neither of them spoke for a few seconds nor did either of them avert their gaze and then Kiwon spoke up. "Make me, you. little. bitch." This time, Kiwon spoke with a mocking, disgustingly condescending tone with a smug grin on his face, leaning centimeters and centimeters closer with each word he uttered.

"Alright.." Jimin said, taking a couple of small steps back, dropping his cigarette onto the ground before him and stopping it out with his size seven shoe and with one swift movement, he moved his hands up to to either side of Kiwon's head, making sure to tangle his fingers into his hair and then lifted his right knee, bringing Kiwon's face down into simultaneously, causing the man to groan out in pain as he fell to his knees after Jimin released him. Jimin felt the mans nose crack against his knee and that left a somewhat satisfactory feeling within him as well as having caused goosebumps to cover his entire body. Before he reveled too much, he then proceeded to kick the man in the stomach, and although he wasn't too sure what he'd done, it was good enough to get the man to scream -not too loudly- and cause another round of goosebumps to form on Jimin's skin.

"Th'fuck is wrong with you..?"He stuttered, almost breathless when he spoke and now lying on his side with blood dripping down the sides of his face from his busted lips and possibly broken nose, arms covering his stomach as he looked up at Jimin with watery eyes. Jimin hung his head back for a second and then rolled it forward from the right before stepping over the man and squatting over him, but not low enough to touch him. He reached his right hand forward and cupped the mans face, his thumb pressed up against the mans right cheek and the rest of his fingers pressed against the left side of his face, squeezing just enough to keep the mans attention and to make his lips look puffed out.

"I told you to check yourself, little bitch." He spoke quietly and removed his hand from Kiwon's jaw when he saw that the man was trying to move and stood up, placing his foot at the center of the mans chest daringly. "Don't come to me for another deal, don't come to me for anything unless it's to apologize."

He looked Kiwon up and down before spitting on the ground beside the males head and shook his own head in disgust as he walked about, saying something about the spit being because Kiwon made him waste cigarette because he was a god damn bitch and how if Kiwon even breathes the same air as any of the other six of them he'll beat his ass for stealing from him and what's his.

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