Ink and Metal

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A slight smirked pulled at Yoongi's lips with the way the stranger reacted. The classic cocked eyebrow and scoff of a complete drama queen was exactly what he received from him. Being up closer now, Yoongi realized that the man before him and himself had quite the similar body structure which actually was a bit surprising. He expected him to be smaller than he actually was. While the man turned around to face Yoongi as he spoke, he caught sight of a few glints of reflected light. Directing his gaze down from the man's eyes to his nose, he spotted a small stud. From there Yoongi's eyes curiously traveled to his lips. The stranger had a piercing nestled nicely in the cupids bow of his lips and another directly below, but instead of a ball stud, this one was a ring. One thing he could say for sure was they complimented his lip shape remarkably well. Based on the amount of piercings at home on the man's face, Yoongi got a feeling that he liked piercings like Yoongi liked tattoos. Pain is addicting, especially when theres a payoff.

Yoongi was in the middle of taking a drag of his cigarette when the stranger accused him of assuming he was a prostitute and couldnt help but let out a raspy laugh. How ridiculous. But he'd wait to correct him until he was done talking. Sure Yoongi was a gang leader but he wasn't outright rude to strangers.

Yoongi stood and watched the man and he completely amused with the situation. The purple haired man first told him to mind his own business, then blatantly checked him out. What a night this was turning out to be. But what almost sucked another laugh out of Yoongi was the man's last comment that held an air of mockery and teasing. If thats what he was receiving, that's exactly what Yoongi would fire back.

"Minding my own business isn't my forte." He spoke calmly before taking another drag of his deliciously suffocating cigarette. "And as for what I'm selling, it relies completely on what you're looking to buy." With this, Yoongi blew the smoke out of his nose and played with his double tongue piercing, pulling each ball attachment between his teeth. He took a few steps closer to the man so that they were eye to eye now. "By the way, I know you're not a prostitute. You're too feisty to get any business." Yoongi chuckled and said the last part a little lower than his previous statement. "I was referring to the drugs you just picked up. What is it and whats the price?"

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