Timing is Essential to Success

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 At precisely twenty-one hundred, Jimin was to be posted up, roughly twenty-two hundred yards away from his target and at approximately one-hundred and fifty feet in elevation. Now, if Jimin's track record didn't show that this job was even remotely possible for him, he wouldn't have taken a second to consider the job, but he knew for a  fact -and past customers could confirm- that this was more than possible for him to do. It sure as hell wasn't going to be easy, of course, and often he worried, but if there was one thing his father taught him it was that a shaky hand is the equivalent of an empty chamber; he couldn't succeed if he were to let his nerves get to him.

 The time was now 19:21 and Jimin was finishing making his moves. He had to be at the tower in less that forty minutes so that his arrival wouldn't seem too terribly suspicious AND he had to make sure that he got in smoothly, fairly unnoticed while not making a suspect of himself then either. IT shouldn't have been too difficult a feat, as the man who'd hired him -the one with the glinting glasses- had guaranteed that there should be no trouble at all getting them in and out, as he had some connections to those who had important names within the building. He didn't say that they were given specifics about Jimin himself or even anyone closely linked to Jimin, but that there weren't to be any problems for any faces that seemed unfamiliar or unfriendly. Not that Jimin didn't have the friendliest face ever, he was always all smiles and giggles.

 As Jimin was retrieving a dark grey duffel from the closet in his room, he called out to Ryuk (surprise, not surprise) to make sure that the van was fueled up and ready to go. There wasn't anything too important about the truck, you know, other than it being the getaway car and all that. No big deal at all. But once he managed to pull the duffel down from the top of his closet, he also -and very carefully- brought down a hard-cover case that held his most prized possession, his angel.. The thing that was most essential to his existence;  without it he wouldn't be where he was or doing , considering the life he led, as well as he currently was. It was his money maker and his one true partner in crime. Literally. 

 Even just thinking about the sniper rifle that lay within the case sent a chill down Jimin's spine. Once the case was in his hands, he kneeled down onto the floor, setting the case down before running his fingers over the smooth surface, trailing his fingers along the edge of the case until his fingers came to the two locks that kept it shut. He took in a soft breathe and flicked the clips up with his thumbs and with a soft click Jimin officially entered his own world. He lifted the lid and within the foam lining, perfectly cut out for the rifle itself, a pistol, three clips, a muzzle break and a thermal scope. It was unusual to most, but the site, to Jimin, was completely breathless and had to remind himself to breathe for a moment. The last time he'd used this baby was back at home, about three weeks ago before he found out that Seoul was a city of much more opportunity for someone like himself and the other five he'd come down with. And now, for the first time since he'd moved to the city, he was about to use this lovely sun of a gun on one of his favorite type of targets; some scallywag who had screwed over his fair share of deserving and most importantly, undeserving people. He wasn't personally familiar with the slicked-backed hair bastard, but just by the smirk on his face and the look in his eyes in the photos he was given Jimin got some weird vibes from him; and those feelings of his were quite right.

 For now, he decided to focus on the beauty before him. He tucked the fingers of his left hand under the barrel, closer to the body of the rifle and with his right hand under the upper receiver, just behind the grip. He then lifted it from the case and in one swift movement he had the but of the gun placed between his breast and his armpit, right where it felt comfortable, index finger of his right hand on the trigger and his left closer to where the clip was,on the underside of the gun. He then shut his left eye and looked through the scope to see nothing but the white wall of his closet, but he managed to imagine that he was looking at the back of the mans head, who he learned was named Kim Jin Soo, waiting patiently for him to find a place within the venue and begin making his speech about whatever political bullshit he wanted the people to believe and then... Bam!

 The son of a bitch went down, and the moment Jimin saw him fall over and everyone's heads turn he felt that rush. That painfully fantastic rush that caused a sickly smile to dance across his lips and his arms, legs, chest -everything- to become covered in goosebumps. The silence that seemed to have taken over his own location, but the chaos that looked to erupt within the venue, all due to his own actions, was so riveting and empowering that he almost forgot that he had killed a man.. He still couldn't tell if what was the most rewarding; the amount of fear he'd caused and the amount of pleasure it gave him to use this weapon and cause such destruction, or the fact that he killed someone.

 Either way, he was sure as hell enjoying it. 

And then, Ryuk had called out Jimins name, and not for the first time, before Jimin had snapped out of his own imaginings and back to reality, where he would be able to make his fantasy come to life. Which he did, successfully, smoothly, and right on time like he'd planned. The bullet went flying through the air, and almost exactly where Jimin wanted it to go. Point blank through the mans head. IT happened so quickly that he was actually standing for a few seconds, and for a moment everything seemed fine down below and then he toppled over in all of his fuck-nut glory, causing looks of confusion and fear and within seconds their world was in chaos and while they ran around frantically... Jimin's world was at peace and he was putting the sniper into it's place in his case, standing up from his post and making his way carefully across the roof of the building where he would go down the fire escape and see that Ryuk was waiting at the back parking lot of the building for him in the truck.

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