Never too cautious

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"I don't do business with strangers who come up to me on the street." Jimin said simply, a soft laugh erupting from his throat as the man went on to say that he was being 'too cautious' in regards to Jimin evading his questions and working around them. " I wouldn't say I'm being  too cautious.. I don't believe there's such a thing in my line of work; I've got a few people who would literally kill for my head or even for what I've got in this bag." He watched as Yoongi removed the carton of cigarettes from his pocket and unlike he usually able to, Jimin wasn't able to identify the brand of the sticks, let alone read the label on the box; he could only see that it was black and white. Quite the opposite of his own.

 It was only when Jimin noticed that the man had given him as obvious a one up as Jimin had done to him that he felt the slightest bit more comfortable with the situation. He wasn't put off or even in the least bit scared, but he was still a little unsure as to whether or not the man had a motive, but from the looks of their conversation so far he seemed harmlessly curious." Well, I can respect y'for bein' honest about bein' a creep. And it might be hypocritical, but it doesn't seem like it's enough of a problem for either of us t'do somethin' about it." He said in a more relaxed and neutral tone, returning the playful smirk on Yoongi's face with a much more subtle one of his own.

 Jimin's initial plan, after retorting, was to turn on his heels and be on his way to find a place - really a street corner- to be picked up from, but before he got the chance to decide whether or not he would go through with that plan or walk the rest of the way back, Yoongi had offered him a cigarette after what seemed like several minutes of holding the pack in his had, but that could have simply been Jimin's anticipation for smoking one of his own talking. When the cigarette was held out to him, Jimin looked at the cigarette and then, with a soft sigh of defeat (because what man in their right mind would say no to a free cigarette and maybe a little bit out of relief because he'd felt like he'd been deprived of any full enjoyment of a cigarette throughout the day) the young man retrieved the black stick from the others hands and observed it for a moment. He held the but of the cigarette between his index and middle finger and moved it up toward his nose before shrugging to himself. It was definitely stronger than his own, but he was confident in his ability to not choke, considering he'd had one or two things that were probably stronger than trying to smoke ten of these at once.

 Without any further speculation of the black cylinder between his fingers, Jimin nodded briefly in the mans direction as if to thank him and proceeded to remove his matches from his pocket, and he was able to locate them in the first try. He placed the cigarette between his lips and removed one of the black-ended matches and struck it against the box- in less than two seconds Jimin was taking in a deep breathe of the smoke and closed his eyes briefly in delight.

 It was stronger than his own indeed, and it took him a few seconds to get used to the taste, but he was comfortable with it soon enough and tucked the matches away while removing the cigarette from between his lips, letting out a breathe of smoke. Thank god for creeps on the street. " Y'can call me ChimChim.. And if you really wanna do business with me," he paused to take another drag, coughing softly before withdrawing the cigarette from his lips. "You'll be able to find me easily enough. I'm not that hard to find if you know how to look, and you look like y'know how to find what you want."

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