A Little Suspicious

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Link to a google doc with a list (with examples) of Yoongi's tattoos in this story as well as the piercings he has: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12K5lZSHwraC7PZtw8H6A2JfsCJj8A0YjuY1m9G_nVcw

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Yoongi just shrugged in response to the comments the man had made but one comment stuck out, and that was the man's comment about several people wanting his head on a stick along with a fairly packed bag of dope. Yoongi didn't blame him because the very same was true for himself, but the fact that the purple haired man mentions his supposed 'line of work'. Yoongi was surprised by the number of times that this stranger had spiked his curiosity to an extremely dangerous extent, almost to a point where Yoongi was starting to feel a bit cautious himself. Generally, Yoongi was pretty decent at reading most people and the fact that he nailed the fact that the man before him was a smoker helped calm his nerves the slightest bit, but with each moment he was starting to feel..off.

Yoongi kept his calm body language firmly in place, not to throw off the stranger who identified himself as Chim Chim. Yoongi watched Chim's body language and demeanor as carefully as he could without making it obvious to him, and once Yoongi had firmly decided that Chim wasn't intending on doing anything malicious, he was able to relax the slightest bit more. Throughout the extent of the conversation, Yoongi had taken a few more long and even drags, letting the smoke drift gracefully from between his lips.

"Names aren't necessary when looking for someone, but thanks for making my job easier." Yoongi chuckled and shot a playful wink at Chim, just in case the other had possibly caught onto Yoongi's subtle change in behavior. "I'm leaving." Yoongi said a bit abruptly, but frankly, he's got places to be and he didn't want to risk letting any semi-important info ou accidentally. "I've got other places to be a creep and more people whose business I can intrude on." He chuckled before turning around and walking the path he'd originally planned on heading as soon as he left the parlor.

It had been a few days, maybe three at the least since Yoongi had run into Chim, and he'd been quite busy. Yoongi's gang had grown about double the size it had been when he took over for his father, and he was thinking it was about time to expand from staying in just Daegu. Fortunately, Yoongi was already in Seoul thanks to Mr. Kwon's escape attempt, and this was just the perfect opportunity for expansion. He'd spent a majority of his time gathering the most capable among the members of his gang and calling them out to Seoul. These members ended up being his right-hand man Enzo, the 'muscle' Jaehyun, and a few others. Their new job was to scout the streets and pitch the gang and see if there were any takers; so far there had been around 10 to 15 new recruits and starting up a squad in this fairly large city started to seem more obtainable than it had in the beginning.

Currently, Yoongi was gathering up his necessary items for going out for a 'stroll' while informing Enzo on his encounter with Chim. Today, Yoongi wore his favorite pair of light washed ripped jeans paired with a backward snapback and a Brooklyn quarter sleeve. He particularly enjoyed this outfit because of the fact that it showed off the beautiful works of art he had on both arms. Yoongi turned to Enzo as he stuffed his pack of cigarettes and lighter in his pack pocket and tucked his baby in the back waistband of his pants.

"I donno man, there was just something about him that didn't sit right with me. He was too casual." Yoongi huffed and turned towards Enzo who was just standing there like he usually did.

"Maybe he was just a weird dude. I mean with the way you described him, sounds like he is pretty similar to you." He shrugged and looked at his boss with a plain and blank expression.

"I know, and that's what's worrying me." Yoongi sighed. "If he's anything like me at all, then that's going to be a major issue. It'll be more difficult than we anticipated if he's already set up here."

"We can deal with that if it ends up that way, but for now, you and me both have shit to be doing than worrying about some random bloke y'ran into on the street." Enzo said getting a bit frustrated, and accidentally letting his native English accent slip through.

"Yeah, fine. Whatever." Yoongi grumbled, a bit annoyed with Enzo's reluctance to take Yoongi's worries seriously. He had a gut feeling, and after growing up with a gang affiliated family and the time he'd spent as the leader of that gang, Yoongi knew better than to ignore his gut. "But we do have shit to do and I'll be damned if I let this fucker mess things up for me."

Yoongi and Enzo left the house they'd been staying in since they'd come to Seoul, and thankfully it was only a few miles from downtown, aka prime hunting and recruiting grounds. They had only been walking side by side for a few minutes when Enzo fell into step a foot or so behind Yoongi, a habit he'd picked up as not to disrespect his boss. No matter how much of a brute Enzo was, Yoongi would always be higher up than him in both skills, intelligence, and status. Yoongi kept up his original pace, only slowing down the slightest to retrieve his pack of smokes and pull one out. He'd offered one to Enzo, but like usual, the man politely refused. Yoongi skillfully lit the end of the cigarette and a swarm of sensations overcame him. The slight suffocation of the thick smoke, the cool breeze against his exposed skin, and of course the slight high from the nicotine sent a buzz through the entirety of his body. Yoongi deeply inhaled as he took another drag before letting his head tilt back. Yoongi let out a soft sigh, letting the smoke escape his lungs as Enzo kept a guiding hand on his back to ensure he wouldn't fall or accidentally walk into traffic.

When Yoongi let his head fall back to its normal position and opened his eyes, something immediately caught his eye. He spotted the head of purple hair down the street away, heading towards him. Of course, just when Yoongi had been stressing over him and his possible involvement in this city, Chim just had to pop out of nowhere. He mumbled a small 'fuck my life' under his breath before taking yet another drag of his cig. When they were about twenty feet away from each other, Yoongi was quick to take note of the 3 men flanking him. The men Chim was with were carrying themselves almost identical to how Enzo was; an employee respectively following their employer. Yoongi didn't spend much time at all observing the men but instead kept the majority of his attention on Chim. At first, Yoongi was a bit taken back with how much more attractive he looked in daylight instead of illuminated by a dim streetlight. Not much longer after Chim was in immediate sight, Yoongi caught his eye. He could tell the men Chim was with were staring at him curiously but in a threatening way, and there was no doubt that Enzo was doing the same to Chim. Yoongi held CHim's gaze for a moment or two as he took a nice and even drag of his cigarette before he shot a playful wink and smirk in the man's direction, almost identical to the one's he had directed at Chim when they first ran into each other.

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