Snow White

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1 month. 31 days. 744 hours. 44,640 minutes. 2,678,400 seconds. One whole month Yoongi has spent, hauled up in his temporary residence, refusing to step foot outside. The longer he spent out of public eye, the fewer chances there were that Chim would find him and follow through with the hit placed on the white-haired man's head. Yoongi hasn't heard from Hoseok since the info exchange, and he has been using this time to try and figure out who the hell he pissed off enough to have a professional hit placed on him. But in all of his records, there was no one. He'd been smart about his business, conducting it in a way that benefitted both parties. So instead of a yes or no condition status, he tried to make as many compromises as possible. After all, an all or nothing ideology was exactly what caused his father's tragic downfall. 

Enzo had been trying every single day to get Yoongi to leave the house, but thus far it proved to be impossible. His boss had run out of cigarettes and alcohol and Yoongi has become increasingly irritable. He has snapped at nearly everyone and has threatened to castrate at least three of the new recruits. Enzo stood on the other side of Yoongi's office door; he had to get Yoongi out of the house before he really does decide to castrate someone. He quickly knocked on the door three times before letting himself in. Yoongi was sitting peacefully at his desk filling out some paperwork from the large stack on the corner of his desk.

"Wow," Enzo began with a slight chuckle and an obviously teasing tone. "I'm surprised to see everything still intact."

"Shut up, dick head." Yoongi mumbled gruffly, signing his name on the last line of the paperwork for their (hopefully) permanent residence here in Seoul. "I'm not completely irrational you know." 

"Yeah, but you are a paranoid mess right now, and I can tell you're desperate for a smoke." Enzo's accent once again began to sneak through the littlest bit, most likely to act as a tactic to convince Yoongi to leave the house after so long. And unfortunately for the gang leader, it would prove to be very effective. But one particular portion of what Enzo said rang completely true, and just mentioning a smoke was enough to get into Yoongi's head. His throat grew increasingly dry and scratchy feeling. He attempted to swallow down the feeling, only to wish it was the harsh cigarette smoke that he had become so accustomed to. Yoongi sat there, glaring at Enzo. This was exactly what he wanted; for Yoongi to realize his desperation, and finally take a second to step out of his paranoid delusion and act like the hard-ass boss they all knew he was. Yoongi let out a long and extremely drawn out sigh and that was when Enzo knew he'd won this one.

"Finally, jesus christ. But before we leave, go take a shower. You look like rat shit."

"How fitting." Yoongi grumbled as he stood up and headed over to his 'bedroom'.


Once Yoongi looked less like a pile of shit, and more like a presentable human being, he nad Enzo met up in the living area. Yoongi decided to wear a thin, semi-transparent t-shirt that had a plunging neckline, as well as his black leather jacket, his black ripped jeans and combat boots. The outfit was tastefully plain, and showed only sneak peeks of his many tattoos; all expect one tattoo which was shown completely. There was no way Yoongi could pass off this opportunity to show off his newest addition to the art collection at home on his skin.

Because of the low neckline of his shirt, his new neck tattoo was on full display, showing off the clean line work as well as the intricate details of the tangled snakes that acted as the perfect balance between his pale skin and white hair that almost seemed to clash with the all black he tended to wear. The last addition he made only made sense. He smudged black eyeliner along the edges of his eyes just to add to his already sickly appearence. Enzo stood patiently by the front door for his boss to finish getting ready so they could leave. While he was finally making his way over to where Enzo stood waiting, Yoongi made sure his pistol was placed securely in the waistband of his pants. 

"Ready to leave yet, Snow White?" Enzo joked as he opened the door, holding it open for Yoongi. Yoongi just kicked the back of his knee in response. After being cooped up for as long as he was, it was no surprise at all that he was itching to get his hands on a pack of smokes. But as much as his addiction was calling to him it wasn't enough to distract his mind from the possibility that if he wasn't careful, he could very well be shot dead. He spent the entire walk to the corner store, carefully observing his surroundings, making sure to take note of everything that caught his eye. And if his gut led him on to any danger in the surrounding area. So far nothing has felt off, besides the fact that everything felt normal. It really felt like the average day for Yoongi, which seemed very odd. Especially since he was supposed to be hunted down by the one and only Chim.

Yoongi felt specifically paranoid about entering the usual corner store he bought smokes at, so he sent Enzo in to pick up a couple packs. While waiting, he wrung his hands together nervously, constantly messing with his fingers; a subconscious way of trying to distract his mind from all the self-induced stress and paranoia. 


Only a few minutes after the pair had stopped at the store, they were off again. This time to a much more suitable place than out in the open, surrounded by public bystanders. While Yoongi was sucking down the last cig from his first pack, Enzo calmly led them towards the club they passed by the other night. It was fairly new, and the obscure and dark atmosphere would surely make the two men feel right at home. So, Enzo led Yoongi in, and knew tonight was going to be very interesting. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2017 ⏰

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