Part Time Killer

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"Have it your way then.." Shin said in response to Jimin's denial of his willingness to provide a car to get Jimin out after he'd done the deed. "I can't imagine you'd need much help anyway. Ji told me you don't usually depend on your employers for much other than information and pay, so I'm glad to see that you live up to that." He continued to tick away at the keys of the laptop before him, the blue glare of the screen on his glasses and his monotonous voice keeping Jimin from being able to detect any bit of human emotion. He somewhat appreciated that, but it made the whole process a little less fun, not being able to see the disdain or rage in the eyes of his customers when talking about killing of their problems.

 "This is business. My business, so why should I depend on you for more than that when I'm the one providing services?" He asked, rhetorically of course. This earned him a brief glance from the man from behind the laptop as well as a small grimace.

 "I suppose you're right." Shin, the man behind the deal, then looked back to the computer screen, typed a few more things and then rose from behind the dark brown wooden desk. The macho-nacho who stood to his right looked to Shin briefly before he retrieved a black folder from the book bag which rested at his hip along with a dingy yellow, more official looking folder. He held them forward and Jimin look at Ryuk and nodded toward the man with the folders. Ryuk complied and stepped for, taking the folders from the man while maintaining eye contact, giving him a quick nod and recieving one in return.

"Everything you need to know about Yuri is within those files. She'll be at the Seoul Plaza Monday night at precisely ten o'clock. Don't be late, don't be early. I'll leave securing a position to you and your men however, there are three surrounding buildings that I would look into. Lastly.." He let his voice trail off and he reached into his back pocket to reveal an envelope. He set it down on the desk and slid it forward slowly, a smirk on his face and now Jimin could see the glint in his eyes. Oddly enough, it excited him.

 It was Jimin's turn to step forward and bowed his head before taking the envelope. He stepped back and peaked inside before nodding in approval. "That will be all then. Consider her taken care of." He was already thinking about the feeling of holding his precious girl.. Finger on the trigger, waiting to be pulled back..

"Pleasure doin' business." Shin spoke softly and threw a wink at Jimin before motioning for his bald-man to see the four men out the door.

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