The beginning of business

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 Only a few minutes had passed after Jimin began on his way from the back of the complex and around to the main road when he began to fish in his pockets with his hands for what might be left of his cigarettes and his matches. Having just wasted a half of his last cigarette because someone wanted to be a dick was certainly not an ideal way to have to put out a cig prematurely, so it was only natural that his craving for the nicotine had not been fully quenched.

 It took him a moment to find both the white pack of cigarrettes and the small, black rectangular box which contained the matches due to the unecessary amount of pockets his choice of clothing had, it wasn't too surprising and somewhat confusing; his coat had about four different pockets on the front and then one (obviously) small one on the left sleeve, and then, of course, his jeans had four pockets, two in the front and then another two at the back.. It was even a little annoying, because he could never remember where put the damn thing sin the first place so having a plethora of possible hiding spot did not help him in the least. However, when he was able to locate both items, he held the pack of cigarettes in his left hand and flicked open the little tab of the carton with his thumb to reveal the questionable amount of chemicals wrapping in fine pieces of white papers, the matches remained tucked between the small white box and his middle finger and ring finger of his left hand until he plucked one of the carcinogen sticks from the box and discarded the box into the left pocket of his coat, leaving him left to do only one thing.

 With the cigarette secure between his index and middle finger, he carefully opened the box of matches and withdrew one of the black tipped matches from the box that he was holding with his left hand still. He paused for a moment to look up from what was occupying him to find that he'd managed to walk about five buildings down from where he originally was and figuring that a walk couldn't kill him, the young man continued on his walk, returning his attention to the match, putting the cigarette between his lips closer to the right corner of his mouth and striked the match against the rough side of the box. The match ignited and before it could burn out, he rose the match to the tip of the cigarette and when it was lit, he simply flicked the match onto the ground, simultaneously stuffing the matchbox into the same pocket as the cigarettes.  Had it not been for the amount of time it took for him to find the cigarettes, he probably would have been able to indulge much sooner than now.

 Jimin let out a deep sigh through his nose before inhaling slowly through his mouth to fill his lungs up with the smoke, leaving a bittersweet bruning sensation in both his throat and a fairly subtle one to linger at his chest and then he exhaled through his nose. Most likely on a fraction of the smoke which he inhaled coming out in a small cloud before him, only to walk through it and quickly disrupt the white, dancing whisps before they could completely dissipate on their own.

Jimin knew not of the time, in fact, he didn't really know why he was in the area to begin with. Well, he did, but he would ahve rather not acknowledged the fact that the whole point in coming out was to meet with Kiwon, only to scratch his ass up a bit. Really. Who called someone out just to be a dick and hassle them about something that was none of their business? No one in their right dammed mind, that is who. But hell, why question the time when he had no prior engagements in the first place and could be continuing his walk along the sidewalk, allowing himself to become more familiar with the area.

 So far, Jimin's only knowledge of Seoul was that the city - and it's residents- had money. Where there was many, there was workers. Where there was work, there was usually someone willing to pay to get the job done. It was a definitely different than Incheon, but not in such a drastic way that it brought on any sort of shock to Jimin or any one of the other five who'd come along. As of now, it was a bit on the chilly side in terms of the weather and with looking up, Jimin discovered that a majority of the night sky that would have otherwise been a dark shade of blue was currently shrouded with purple/grey clouds which could mean only one of two things; it was likely to begin raining at any moment and he was thankful he hadn't waited any longer to light his cigarette than he did to begin with.

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