Too little time Too much business

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Jimin scoffed at the mans remark. Letting him know his nickname was far from making his job easier. Jimin hadn't been around here long enough for anyone to know his name and he didn't make it a point to let himself be known to any new faces; that was why he had other men.

 Jimin hadn't felt any particular way other than being a little cautious, as he would have been with any new face. He did indeed feel that Yoongi was watching him a little more than before, but quickly dismissed it, knowing that he himself had no intentions of acting violently and with how Yoongi's demeanor had changed - if it weren't just Jimin's slight paranoia getting to him- he could only assume that yoongi was being as careful as he was. He just seemed a little more stiff then a couple of seconds ago. Jimin didn't expect the conversation to last much longer.

Although Jimin wouldn't have called that much of intruding in his business as much as simply being nosy, he didn't comment on it and showed his acknowledgement of Yoongi's words with a nonchalant shrug and stood quietly before the man walked off, indulging of the sweet sting travelling down his throat after another long drag. When he felt their was a comfortable space between them, Jimin turned on his heels and decided walking back seemed like a good option. Should the man he just met decide to turn someone onto him, he'd much rather not get the rest of his men unnecessarily involved because he didn't want to walk. 

And that was pretty much that.


 Jimin couldn't recall when it was that he had run into the mystery man with the white hair, all he knew was that it certainly wasn't important enough an interaction to be worried about it. HE had three things he needed to take care of: business, money and his men. He couldn't spend any amount of time wondering about who the guy was or where he came from, and so he pushed the whole two minutes he spent with the guy to the back of his head and concerned himself with their next move. There wasn't enough time in one day to make sure his plans would go through, so he needed to be efficient as humanly possible and that also included efficiency from his men, as well as their cooperation which he rarely had a problem with.

 Jimin had only been in Seoul for a total of five days and was already making a significant amount of profit more than that which he was making in Incheon. He was starting to believe in the city more and more with each phone call that he had gotten, and one in particular especially boosted his hope for the tight-knit gangs future there. He didn't expect business to have been going as well as it was, and he was quite surprised with the amount of work the other five were getting done so quickly. They didn't slack back in Incheon, even with the little business they got, so he was glad to see that they didn't fall back in the city where things were constantly going by.

 As far as being in a new location, Jimin couldn't say that he liked it or disliked it quite yet. They were still new to the area and how the people worked out here and being that they were such a tight-knit group they often didn't go looking for new customers or dealers or members. Jimin never believe in large groups of people. You couldn't keep them in order, you couldn't trust them as much and you never knew if they were plotting against you because there were too many minds to try and keep track of. With the five men he was with, he'd been with two of them since the three of their fathers all decided that this was the life they wanted to lead; selling drugs, killing men and making money. the other two were guys whom Jimin had and his fellows had picked up longer ago and practically introduced to the lifestyle, so they were more or less the not technically but technically the babies of the group. The group consisted of Jimin, Ryuk, Hyuk, K.I and Chris and Jimin had zero intentions of increasing or decreasing those numbers for the time being.

 The morning had started off on what Jimin would have considered a good note. They had gotten two shipments off ground, one going back to Incheon and the other going to Jinju, both of which earned them enough money to ensure the rent for their condo would be paid, as well as a couple of days worth of food. Not only that, but Jimin had gotten an early call and the caller had requested Jimin's services as directed by someone whom hired Jimin in the past. All that needed to be done was a brief meeting, some money to be handed over and a date, time, location and identity to be given to him and Jimin had a gig- the thought alone sent a surge of excitement throughout his body. 

 By noon the four of the six men had made their way to the busy streets Seoul to meet up with a potential client and figure out some details for what seemed to be an apparently dangerous get-down but a very well-paying one that could really get these boys off to an even better start than they thought in the city. They decided it was best to try and blend in as much as possible, so they all kept it casual for the most part, but also not too casual, for they were going to be in the biggest city in Korea, as well as the most fashionable. Jimin dressed himself in a pair of loosely fitted white/grey jeans with a couple of rips at the knees and the right thigh; a pair of light brown timbs covered his feet and he wore a beige, obviously over-sized long sleeved shirt under a dark brown, knit cardigan that went a little past his knees. Both Hyuk and K.I stood at either side of Jimin, dressed similarly, but certainly a little less feminine than himself because.. That was really just how it worked out, and then Ryuk was behind the three of them, keepin' an eye out for what could be suspicious activity. With the three of them around him and the average of the three guys average height being something like five-eleven, it could have looked a little comical, but Jimin would have been the one laughing. He had each of these big ass guys whipped like no other and as willing to protect him as he was them, if not more than that. He was actually reluctant in allowing the three of them to come along, but they'd all insisted that they be there, for whatever reason Jimin wasn't up for listening to and eventually agreed.

 As for the day going smoothly, Jimin knew that there was going to have to be a bump in the road at some point because it was going far too smoothly, and that bump was the white head of hair he saw down the sidewalk. Almost immediately upon seeing the man and having made eye contact with him,  Jimin nudged K.I. whom was at his left side and nodded his head in Yoongi's direction, not trying to be subtle in the least. 

"That's the little shit I told you 'bout the other night. Dunno th'fuck who he is, but I'm pretty sure he's got himself grounded pretty well over here.." Jimin said, keeping his eyes on yoongi. He ran his fingers through the front of his hair slowly, meanwhile Ryuk spoke up.

"Do you tihnk he's going to be a problem to us?" Ryuk had asked, looking at the back of Jimin's head briefly but then back up to the men who they were getting closer to with each step. It would have been on thing if Yoongi and his 'guard' were just looking, but the fact that there was wink threw Jimin's way caused Ryuk to be even less comfortable with the situation and ultimately caused him to narrow his eyes at Yoongi.

"Does he look like he'll be a problem to you? No. I wouldn't be bull shittin' if I thought he was a potential threat to us. Should he turn into a problem... We'll settle it when and if that times comes." And those were Jimin's final and last words regarding the situation. 

They were probably ten feet apart before K.I. had looked away and to his right at a building. It was roughly ten stories or so and it looked to be some fort of hotel, and not a cheap one in the least, but not exactly a $1,000 dollars a night either. The black haired man then motioned for Jimin and the other two toward the building, holding the door open for the three of them. Just before slipping through the glass doors, Jimin raised his left hand and waved goodbye to his.. New acquaintance(?)

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