The Art of Fear

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Taking another long puff of his cigarette, Yoongi continued making his way down the streets of Seoul. The dry smoke burned his throat as it traveled down to his chest, causing an overall feeling of slight suffocation to overtake him, and this was the precise reason why he smoked. He found the inability to breathe thrilling and the fact that these cancer sticks were killing him made it even better. It was oddly satisfying for Yoongi to know that each time he inhaled, he was slowly killing himself. Yoongi was aware of his own mortality and used that knowledge to his advantage.

Subconsciously wanting to get a momentary high off the memory of the fear he's caused, his mind drifted to the last time he'd played Russian roulette. Unlike the usual circumstances, this game wasn't based on bets but was out of pure curiosity and a thirst for adrenaline. Yoongi was the fourth in the circle of six or seven others, and so far the previous three had gotten out lucky. A smirk slipped on Yoongi's lips as he was handed the revolver. Without any hesitation, Yoongi popped open the chamber, and gave it a quick spin. In less than 3 seconds, the chamber was clicked back into place, the nozzle of the gun was pressed against Yoongi's skull and the trigger had been pulled. The group had gone silent at that point, amazed and terrified to have witnessed the scene before them. Yoongi had kept the same smirk plastered on his face the entire time, not even blinking with the click of the trigger. 

The men had been so spooked by their comrade's actions that they all immediately abandoned the game. They should've been fearful for Yoongi's life, but instead they were terrified at his acceptance and almost want for his own death. It was a sight none of them wanted to see again, but one that Yoongi was desperate to repeat. And don't interpret it wrong, Yoongi wasnt suicidal, he was just dangerously curious as to what it'd feel like to be fatally shot by his own hand. If he died or lived afterwards didn't matter much.

Yoongi smiled deviously at the memory and in that same moment he spotted the building he had been headed to. He left those two newcomers to take care of Mr. Kwon because Yoongi had an appointment and no business shit was going to interfere with it. Walking up to the front door, Yoongi pushed it open, not caring that his cigarette was still lit as he took another drag.

"Hey douche bag, no smoking." The lady at the counter said and sent a glare in Yoongi's direction. All Yoongi did was let out a chuckle and slid the hood off his head, keeping the cigarette between his lips.

"Well sweetheart," Yoongi said as he walked up to the counter she was behind. He then took a purposefully long drag before sucking in a breath of air. "I don't think those rules apply to me." He finished and blew into the woman's face, the smoke surrounding her head before dispersing leaving a lingering smell.

"And why's that?" She sassed, crossing her arms. Feisty. I like it. Yoongi thought to himself and let out a raspy chuckle. He took one more drag before putting the cigarette out on the glass top of the counter.

"I'm not in the mood to tell you who I am when you should already know; so have your boss explain it to you later." Yoongi smirked at the woman as her glare grew into a sneer. "Oh, by the way; be a sweetheart and tell Haneul his 12 o'clock is here." He smiled with a mock sweetness. All the woman did in return is scoff before calling out Haneul's name. The said man emerged from the back, black latex gloves covered in tattoo ink covering his hands. Haneul was the main tattoo artist and owner of this parlor. His tattoo parlor, 'the Clan' was the best in Seoul, and Yoongi wasn't about to pass up the opportunity of getting a new and undoubtedly beautiful tattoo. He'd also been the only person given the honor to mark up Yoongi's skin with various pieces of art.

"Ah, Suga!" Haneul exclaimed happily. The larger man came over and bro-hugged Yoongi, careful not to get any ink on the smaller man's clothes. Haneul picked up the scent of lingering menthol cigarette smoke and was surprised to see that Yoongi wasnt currently sporting one wither between his lips or between the fingers if his left hand. "You quit smoking or something?" He asked Suga with a chuckle.

"You wish." Yoongi scoffed before letting a light laugh out. Yoongi pulled out the nearly empty pack of cigarettes from his jacket pocket before placing one between his full lips and lighting up. The first drag of s new cigarette was always his favorite. "Doll face here," he said tilting his head in the direction of the woman. "Was glaring at me like I'd killed her dog, and it didn't help that I said the rules don't apply to me." Yoongi chuckled at the slight scoff the woman made at his words. Boy was it going to be fun to see her reaction when she's finally notified as to who he was.  A smirk pulled at Yoongi's lips as Haneul's face paled. The taller man knew exactly how brutal Yoongi could be, and the fact was that killing some clueless woman's dog was the least he would've done if he was in the mood to make her pay for disrespecting him.

"She didn't-" Haneul began, voice laced with worry. He didn't know that Yoongi wasn't currently in the mood to actively take any action against her, but before he could figure out Yoongi's intentions, Doll face interrupted him.

"I did because rules are rules." She said bitterly as she made her way around the counter. "No. Smoking." She glared, meeting Yoongi's gaze  before harshly pulling the new cigarette from between Yoongi's lips. She threw it to the ground and crushed it with the heel of her boot. All Haneul could do was stare in utter disbelief that his employee had just disrespected the most dangerous man in the area. Yoongi shook his head and let out a bitter laugh as he did that tongue cheek thing that Jungkook is kinda known for now.

Yoongi pulled out his pack once more and took out the last cigarette. He bitterly put it between his lips but refrained from lighting it. "I'd be careful if I were you, Doll face." Yoongi spoke lowly, taking on a whole new tone. "Disrespect me again and I wont hesitate to slaughter your entire family while you watch." The woman's face was slowly morphing from disgust and annoyance to fear. But Yoongi was craving terror. Yoongi took several steps closer to the woman until she was backed up against the counter. He quietly slipped his baby from his waistband and placed the nozzle of the gun against her skin behind and under her chin. Her eyes went wide and he could see them become glazed. Aw, is the tough baby girl gonna cry?
"Mind lighting me up baby?" He asked sinisterly, an almost evil smile appearing around the cigarette. He reached his free hand out, his lighter placed in his palm. He watched in satisfaction as her shaking hand picked up the lighter and flicked it on. The flame was shaky as she brought it up to the end of Yoongi's cigarette, but despite all of the shaking, she managed to successfully light it. Yoongi took a long drag and soaked up the paired satisfaction of yet another first drag and the complete and utter terror happily at home on the young woman's face. "Keep in mind, my threats aren't open ended." Yoongi whispered to her simultaneously blowing smoke in her face once more.

"Now, back to business!" He clapped slightly after returning his pistol to its place. "I would like a few touchups and a new piece." He shot a friendly smile to Haneul.

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