Chapter35 Making a drop going wrong

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I'm at the trap discussing  with my boys that tonight is the night we make the drop.  A drop and either go bad or good. But hopefully it go good. 

I'm at the house just chilling it's Trin we been watching Princess movies all day. Know we watch that home move that got my girl Rihanna in it.  I enjoy spending time with Trin. 

I been at home cleaning all day. I finally just got done. I'm just gone chill today don't really feel like being bother.

Trey and Kel
We ready for the drop to go down.  I hope these niggas is legit. If not we killing them on site.  Repercussions and consequences when you try to fuck over us.

Trent: y'all ready for the drop
Trey& Kel : yes
Trent: this how he it gone go down I want y'all to sit in the truck and it something go wrong y'all star busting
Kel: roger that
Trey 10 4

I'm stepping out the van and I see the people I'm meeting.  

Trent: what's good
Drug pin: was good
Trent: you got the product
Drugpin; you got the money
Trent: yea it's all there
Drugpin: I know
Trent: where the product at
Drugpin: don't ask questions
Trent: thisshit sound like a fucking set up what the fuck going on. 

Next thing you know they start shooting. I was it in the chest.  My boys got out ain't start busting. They got away with the money and product. 

Kel: Trent you good
Trey: Trent answer me.
Kel: he ain't saying nothing just get us to the hospital.
Trey:  roger that

We finally pulled up to the hospital . I hope my dawg is ok. I can't take a l. I already lost my other homeboy couple months ago.

Trey: have you called Keish
Kel: no call her

I got a call from trey saying meet him at the hospital.   I hope everything is ok.  I woke Trin up and got her dressed. 

I waiting on Keish to walk thru the doors. 
Keish: trey what's wrong
Trey: it's Trent
Keish: what's wrong
Trey: he has been shot and he ain't doing to good
Keish: are you fucking serious what about Trin. Where she is going to go

Keish fell to her knees all I could do is hold her. It hurt me to see her like that. Trin don't even know what is going on.

After I got the news. I fell I couldn't take it.  This is to much. What about Trin she don't deserves this shit. 

We been sitting in the waiting room for hours. We haven't heard anything about Trent I know he strong he would pull thru. Trin she sleep in Keish arms. Keish been crying the whole time and for tTrey he got that same ass blank face express. 

Family of Trenton Johnson

Yes that us.
Doctor: he lost a lot of blood right know he is in a coma.
Keish: no no
Kel: this can't be happening
Trey: fuck man
Keish : we see him
Doctor: yes follow me
Keish: thank you

Seeing Trent there laying lifeless really gutted me. All I was doing crying. Kel and Treywas trying to be strong for me and Trin. But I see the pain in there eyes.

Trey: come on keish let me take you home Trin don't need to see her father like this
Keish: ok your right I'm ready

We left the hospital and headed home.

I took Keish home. I help her inside I even spent the night with here just to keep her calm

When I got home out Trin down and I call Danielle and told her to come over. I can't get Trent off my mind. Trey is downstairs sleep.

I got a call from my girl. Everything seems off. I hope she is ok. I don't like to see my homegirl down.

Danielle finally came we sat at the table and drink tea. She held me while I cried. We talk and pray then we went to sleep.

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