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The boys were just hanging out inside their studio. As usual, Mark, the eldest hyung, stays silent, JB, the leader, tries to let them listen to him even if no one is actually listening, Jackson is Jackson, Jinyoung is judging everyone and is being savage to them, Youngjae just laughs at everything, while Bambam and Yugyeom continued on bickering at each other.

These two always did that, it wasn't surprising at all.

Moving on, JB was trying to make them all quiet so he has to announce the new arrangement for their rooming. To his dismay, no one was trying to pay attention at all. Honestly, this group is the messiest group if you'd compare them to the others.

"Honestly, these maknaes are the ones starting the noise," Mark speaks up for the first time and pointed at the two maknaes which were Yugyeom and Bambam.

"Ne, when will you stop bickering each other?" Jinyoung added with an annoyed expression. The two maknaes only glared at each other and rolled their eyes at the same time. And somehow, the studio was quiet, and Mark was right, the maknaes were the ones making the noise. The first time that no one blamed Jackson.

"Okay, so our rooms have been arranged again-" JB was once again interrupted by Bambam.

"Oh, I can't wait to be separated from Yugyeom," He stated, completely ignoring the members' glares.

"Ani-ya. Actually, you are the only ones to share a room, the rest of us have our own rooms," the leader says with a triumphant smile. The rest of the members started shrieking in happiness except for the two maknaes who were glaring again at each other.

The boys were told to get their stuff and go to their new rooms. The boys, except Yugyeom and Bambam, got ready happily. The two had a scowl on their faces and had a distance between them as they walk up to the door of their room. Yugyeom opens the door and the two of them went inside, tension growing between them.

"Why do I always have to be roommates with you?" Bambam asks in an annoyed tone as he puts down his bags on the floor loudly.

"Don't make me fill up our dorm with insects, Kunpimook." Yugyeom stated coolly as he plops down on the bed while on his phone.

"Excuse you, I am hyung." The older one snapped, but the younger only snickered at him as he continued minding his own business.

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So that's the beginning! Idk if this turned out good or not and I also don't know if this fiction will turn out good or not. However, I hope you'll enjoy reading this as much as I'll enjoy writing it, and suggestions would be great! This is a Yugbam fic for all thirsty Yugbam shippers! Comment down your opinions! Saranghaeyo, Ahgases!


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