chapter 18

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*Bambam's POV.*

Three weeks passed, almost a month. No texts. No calls. No letters. Nothing.  I heard nothing from him, and I was still so upset and down because of what happened. I didn't even see that coming.

I became quiet, I never talked, unless the hyungs need to ask me something important. We already asked JYPE about what happened to Yugyeom, and said that he has to stay with his family back in Korea for a while and would only return for our next comeback.

I understood, but I just don't understand why he didn't tell me. I do know that he also wanted to leave so he could avoid us, or avoid me perhaps.

The fanmeetings aren't the same without him. Mostly, fans would raise their signs up with Yugyeom's name on it even if he wasn't there. I felt sad for those fans whose favorite member is Yugyeom, because they don't get to meet him. Sometimes I'd cry in the middle of the fanmeeting and I had to go to the backstage whenever I do.

The rest of them are still trying to comfort and help me with my situation, but I don't even feel any better. I'll only feel better if I get to see Yugyeom again. I miss him, but does he even miss me? Who could blame me? I love him and finding out that he left makes me freak out so bad.

Jaebum hasn't apologized yet, but judging by his actions, I think I'll take that as his apology. He was back to his sweet and caring side and not the strict asshole unlike before. I guess he's trying to understand Yugyeom and I now. I'm glad that he could finally see that I really do love Yugyeom.

My thoughts got interrupted when my phone vibrated on my bedside table. I was thinking maybe it was Yugyeom so I scrambled over that I fell to the floor with a loud thud, since I was on my bed, but when I stood up and checked the notification, it was just some lame advertisement of one of my applications. I groaned and plopped back down on the bed, running my fingers through my messy hair in frustration, messing it up even more.

I've been like this ever since. Every day off, I'd be locking myself up inside my hotel room and would just lie down and stare at the ceiling blankly. I'm always waiting for Yugyeom to message or call me at least once, but he never did.

I sighed as I teared up again, slapping my forehead lots of times as I started to cry again. I miss him so much, and it kills me everyday whenever I'm not with him.

I miss his smile that always lightens up my mood, I miss his tight hugs, I miss our cuddles, I miss his tantrums and his whiny voice, I miss his kisses, I miss everything about him.

I hugged my pillow tightly and sobbed into it, crying my eyes out. I didn't even realize that Jaebum came in until he spoke up.

"You doing okay?"

"Does it look like I am?" I said, my voice muffled by the pillow. The older one chuckled at my statement and I felt the edge of my bed sinking, he was probably sitting down.


"Yeah, you're apologizing when everything has already fallen apart," I said rather harshly as I looked up from my pillow and Jaebum was avoiding my gaze. I suddenly felt guilty and I sighed. "Mianhae, hyung."

"It's okay, I understood that you two were too scared to tell us first, especially Yugyeom since he was very sensitive. So, I'm really sorry," he apologized and I could hear the sincerity in his voice.

"Yeah, it's fine, I just don't know how I'll figure this situation out. None of us couldn't contact him, he probably blocked our numbers," I sighed for the nth time and lied back down on the bed, my gaze focusing at the ceiling again, running my fingers through my hair.

The two of us fell into silence and I could tell that he was thinking of some ways because his eyebrows were knitted together.

"Have you... tried the staff's phones?" The older one asked slowly and I suddenly sat up that he almost jumped at my sudden action.

"Why didn't I think of that?!" I practically yelled, not to Jaebum, but to myself. "Aish, I'm such an idiot!"

The hyung laughed and patted my shoulder before standing up. "Now stop with the drama, we'll have another fanmeeting later tonight so maybe you could borrow from one of them."

"Kamsahamnida, hyung!" I thanked him and managed to smile a little.

* * * * *

*Yugyeom's POV.*

I was at a cafe that night after I've let my mom sleep, and I myself couldn't sleep properly for the past few weeks. It made her worry, but I told her not to because it would worsen her condition. She knew about Bambam and I's situation, but she still accepted me.

I sighed as I lifted up the cup and sipped through the straw of my chocolate shake as I stared outside. I am at home, and this is the things that I do at home, but Namyangju is the home where I stay in, where my family is. Although, my other home is my Bambam, where he makes me feel loved, where he makes me feel safe.

And I can't believe that I had to leave him for some stupid reason. Well, not the reason because of my mom, but the reason because I couldn't handle the hates on us.

I just realized that if I really loved the person, I'd still be with him no matter how hard it is and no matter what shit people say about us.

My phone vibrated on the table, and I checked the caller ID to see who it was. One of our staff was calling me which was quite odd, but I thought that maybe it was important. So I picked it up and placed it near my ear as I pressed the answer button.

"Hello?" I said, but the other line was quiet. "Is there anything that you need?"

"I need you." The voice cracked on the other line and I could hear that he was crying.

That voice. That familiar voice. The voice that I've been longing to hear. I didn't realize that I missed him so much until I felt a tear landing on my cheek. I gulped and tried not to sound as fragile.

"Bambam-" I tried saying but he cut me off.

"I-I miss you. Please come back, I need you, I l-love you," his voice was weak and he was sobbing, and it breaks my heart even more to hear him like this.

"I can't. My mom's sick, I need to take care of her," I said quietly, I tried my best not to let my voice crack because I might burst into tears. Turns out, my voice was shaky and unsteady.

"After that then maybe-"

"Ani, Bambam," I interrupted him and he fell silent.

"Is there something that I've done wrong?" He asked me, and I was the one who was quiet now, because honestly, he hasn't done anything wrong, but I feel like if I explain my reason to him, I might sound childish.

And if I tell him, I don't want to hear him begging and crying for me because of it. I might fall back into his arms again.

"Bye, Bambam," I mumbled and ended the call, turning off my phone completely and sipped from my now melted chocolate shake, and it almost tasted like water, but I didn't mind.

I just feel like I'm not worth it for a person like Kunpimook Bhuwakul. He's like a precious gem, and is so fragile.

"Three months, maybe I won't love him anymore after that, and maybe he won't anymore as well," I mumbled to myself as tears rolled down my cheeks like a never ending stream, not even bothering to wipe them away.

- - - - - - - - - -

I don't know what I'm writing I'm so sorry. ANYWAY!!! Two more chapters left and an epilogue dnsjdnsjd



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