chapter 16

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*Bambam's POV.*

We've been flying from place to place for our fanmeetings and it was even more tiring compared to our Hard Carry era.

A week has passed and Jaebum was still ignoring Yugyeom and I completely. The other hyungs are fine with us now, it's just the leader that we have a problem about. He only talks to us when we're in front of fans and cameras, or when he has something important to ask, but he doesn't bond with us unlike before.

We'd try to talk to him, but he'll either ignore us or snap at us with hurtful words. So we just decided to ignore him too.

"Here's another activity for YugBam, 'Yugyeom and Bambam should stop hugging squirtles and hug each other instead,'" Jackson read the paper in his hand and he squealed loudly through the mic, making us cover our ears because he was squealing along with the fans.

"Aniyo, Bambam should do it with Mark instead, that's too much YugBam for today," Jaebum says through the mic as well. Yugyeom and I looked at each other and he just nods, gesturing me to go to Mark, but I gave him a pleading look that I didn't want to.

"Hyung, Yugyeom will get jealous!" Youngjae exclaimed and pouted at Jaebum, trying to persuade him but it was of no use.

"Come on, just do it with Mark at least one time," the leader pressed on and he has that smirk playing on his lips. I looked at Mark and was shaking his head.

"It's alright, seriously," Yugyeom also said through the microphone with a light chuckle. The fans all said 'awwww' in chorus.

"Come on, Jaebum, it isn't what was written on the paper," Jinyoung also tried to convince him, but he shook his head.

"Do it, hug Mark throughout the fanmeet."

"That wasn't written-" Jackson also butted in again.

"Do it," the leader demanded, ignoring Jackson's statement. I sighed, maybe this would make him less mad at us now.

I patted Yugyeom's knee and gave him a small smile before I went up to Mark and awkwardly wrapped my arms around him, the fans started to scream at the top of their lungs.

"Wow, we've never been this awkward to each other," Mark told me since he doesn't have a microphone and patted my back.

"Probably because I barely do it with you guys," I laughed a bit. The two of us glanced at Yugyeom who gave us two thumbs up. The other hyungs, as well as Yugyeom, continued with the other activities. Me? I was too pissed to even pay attention, but I'll let it slide, for the sake of our teamwork.

* * * * *

"You okay?" I asked Yugyeom who was quiet the whole time ever since we got back to the hotel. I just finished getting ready for bed while he was taking his time.

He  just hummed in response as he went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. I let out a deep sigh, he must be upset because of Jaebum.

I sat up on my bed and placed my phone on the bedside table. I just finished going through some tweets of ahgases, fully supporting Yugbam. It was making me happy that at least some of them accepted us, but I wouldn't be happy if my giant baby is upset like this.

Yugyeom finally got out of the bathroom and went straight to his bed, not saying a word, not even glancing at me. I pouted as he just unlocked his phone and probably went to social media.

"Yugyeom-ah," I called and he only hummed in response again. "Mianhae."

"For what? You have nothing to be sorry about," he said quietly, but he still didn't look at me.

"Eh," I whined and went over to his bed, lying down beside him and wrapping my arms around his waist. "Is my Yugyeom jealous?"

"Ani," he replied shortly.

"No? Are you sure?"

"Ne," he said and turned off his phone, placing it on his bedside table before glancing at me. "Jaebum's just being an ass."

"I know, but I did that because I thought it would make him less mad at us," I said and pouted up at him.

He chuckled at me and shifted slightly so he was facing me properly. "I know that. I wouldn't be jealous of Mark-hyung, it's weird. I know he's in love with Jinyoung."

"Do you really ship MarkJin that hard?" I rolled my eyes playfully at him and he giggled.

"Not as much as I ship Yugbam," he smiled shyly and I fluffed his hair because he was so adorable and I could feel my cheeks burning. Our giggles had died down and we decided to just stay like that for a while, before he spoke up again.

"I want us to be official, but I want Jaebum to be fine with us first," he sighed sadly as he looked down at me while I was looking up at him.

"He'll be fine soon, don't worry," I told him and smile reassuringly, and I could see a small smile forming on his lips as well.

"What matters is that I love you and you- well, uhm, I don't know if you-" I was interrupted by him.

"I love you," he says with a grin.

My eyelids flickered and my mouth was open but no words came out. I wanted to speak but I couldn't, I was too speechless. I could feel my heart thumping so hard in my chest and heat was rushing up to my cheeks.

It took me a while before I smiled from ear to ear and leaned in to kiss him on the lips, his soft lips touching mine and he kisses back immediately unlike the first time I kissed him. Once we pulled away, we looked at each other with smiles on our faces and I could tell he was falling asleep.

"Good night, Gyeomie." I said as I yawned a little and closed my eyes as he did so as well.

"Good night, Bamie."

"I love you."

"I love you more."

And that was the last thing I heard before I finally fell into my own dreamland.

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