chapter 3

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*Bambam's POV.*

"Bambamie, don't leave me."

Those four words never left my mind since last night. I couldn't even sleep properly. I was tossing and turning to find a comfortable position, but I just couldn't put myself to sleep. I've had a few naps for like one to two hours and then I'll wake up again.

Right now, it's already five in the morning and I just decided to get up, because I know that I have no chance to sleep. Argh, why am I like this?

Because you like him.

A voice said inside my head. Honestly, is this how it feels to have no sleep at all? I mean, I've experienced it a lot of times because of our busy schedule, but not as worse as this. And of course, I don't like Yugyeom! That's a no-no.

Well, then maybe you love him.

The voice says again, but maybe this imaginary voice should piss off, because I hate Yugyeom from the very bottom of my heart. No one could change that. I'd never love him, ew.

Anyways, enough with the events inside my head, let's go back to the reality.

I went inside the bathroom to do my usual morning routine. I didn't need to rush today since it's our day off which is a good thing. Once I was done, I got out while drying my hair using the towel as I made my way to my cabinet. I put on my thick black sweater and some sweatpants.

Mwoyo? You thought I never wear these? Of course I do! Just at home though, I use skinny jeans when I'm in shows or when we're practising, obviously.

Once I was done changing, I got out with my hair still a bit damp and I came across a sleeping maknae that was still on the floor, but still seems to be having a sweet dream while wrapped up in the blanket that I gave him last night. I couldn't help but smile at how adorable-

That's a no-no!

I shook my head and suddenly glared at the maknae for no reason and continued to go to the kitchen. I pulled out a box of cereal from one of the cabinets and took the carton of milk from the fridge. As I was pouring them into a bowl, I felt something nudging my leg.

I placed down the carton of milk and looked down to see Coco who was whimpering. "Aww, are you hungry? Come on, I'll feed you."

I opened one of the bottom cabinets where the dog food was and scooped an adequate amount before putting it on her dog plate. I patted her head and placed it in front of her for her to eat. I also took water for her before moving on to start eating my cereal. I leaned on the kitchen counter as I ate and watched Coco.

"I wonder how it feels like to be a dog?" I blurted out for no reason, obviously talking to myself. "You know, Coco, you are one lucky dog. If dogs can speak, some dogs may be out there also fangirling over us, and they'd be jealous of you." The dog only barked at me and then continued on eating.

I chuckled to myself and shook my head because of my own stupidity. "Actually, even real humans are jealous of you, who am I kidding-"

"What are you doing?"

"Ah!" I gasped at the sudden entrance of a tall figure. Who is obviously Yugyeom, the bowl in my hand almost fell.

"Be quiet, you'll wake the others," he said sternly and opens the upper cabinets and seems to be looking for the box of cereal. "Where's the-"

"Here," I interrupted him and gave him the box of cereal that was just near me.

"Gomawo," he then takes the cereal and pours some into his bowl. I also handed him the carton of milk that he took as well.

The silence wraps around us and you can tell that the tension was growing between us as we ate while watching Coco.

"Mian hamnida," I blurted out my apology all of the sudden that even I was shocked.

"Jin ja? Now you're saying sorry?" The other only laughed  a bit while shaking his head.

"Mwo? I was just forced by the hyungs."

"It's obvious," the maknae shrugged at me and places his empty bowl on the sink. He is much quicker than I am. "I'll be in our room."

"I don't care."

"I didn't ask you to."

"Shut up," I groaned, already getting annoyed at the younger one.

"You shut up," Yugyeom chuckles before exiting the kitchen. After a few minutes, I also finished my bowl of cereal and placed it on the sink before going to our room as well. When I went inside, I saw him on his phone while lying down on his bed. I ignored him like I usually do and plopped down on mine, getting my phone from the bedside table.

Suddenly, I heard Yugyeom's familiar voice inside my head again.

"Bambamie, don't leave me."

I couldn't help but wonder, "What was he dreaming of?"

"Who's he?"

"Ah!" I was once again startled by his sudden question and I immediately glared at him. Then I realized, did I just say that out loud?

"I was asking a question?" He says as he innocently looked at me. He really doesn't know? He doesn't remember what he dreamt of last night?

"Never mind, it's none of your business," I snapped at him and continued on scrolling on my phone screen. On the corner of my eye, I saw him shrug.

*Yugyeom's POV.*

I remembered my dream last night about Bambam and I kept questioning myself why it was plotted like that. I didn't even think of it before I sleep, so why did I dream of something like that? Especially with the person I hate the most?

I was holding someone's hand, but I was pretty sure that it wasn't a girl's hand. I looked down to see a familiar hand, and I was thinking it was Bambam's. I look up to see that it was really him, and I instantly smiled, but my smile faded when I saw his sad facial expression.

"Mian hamnida, you don't deserve someone like me," he says and lets go of my hand. I couldn't help but tear up at what he said despite the confusion that I am having. "Find someone better, someone who'll never hurt you."

He turns around and I was facing his back. He started walking away and I tried to catch up to him, but it feels like he was going farther away as I step forward.

"Bambamie, don't leave me," those were the words that left my lips as I still try to follow him, but he just disappeared in midair, I never saw him again.

I just pretended that I didn't know about my dream last night, but I'm not even sure if he heard it. Then something came into my mind.

Last night, I didn't bring any blanket with me in the living room when I slept there, and it left me cold and freezing. Although, when I woke up awhile ago, there was a blanket wrapped around him, and I was wondering who might have given it to me. Plus, it was my blanket, and there was no one else I'm inside the room with except for Bambam. It's possible that it was him.

"Bambam," I called him and he hummed in response without lookingg at me.

"Who gave me the blanket last night?" I asked and for a moment, I saw his face look a bit stunned, and that was when I knew that it was him.

"Definitely one of the hyungs," he pretended to act cool and shrugged at me. I just nodded and focused on my phone screen again.

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