bonus chapter 01

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*Mark and Jinyoung's Story*

Mark Tuan and Park Jinyoung never had a label. They kiss each other on the cheeks, or maybe on the lips when the boys aren't around, they hug, they cuddle, they sleep in one bed like what Yugyeom and Bambam said, and anything that a couple would do. Not to mention that they also go out in dates without anyone knowing.

The two of them are just too afraid to admit that they are in love with each other. Or maybe they're just too quiet that none of them ever talk about their feelings towards the other.

"What are we, hyung?" Jinyoung would ask whenever they're alone and Mark would say that they are just friends. It breaks Jinyoung's heart everytime, but he doesn't show it, but the truth is, the American boy just wasn't sure about his feelings, probably because he doesn't want to admit it to himself that he loves Jinyoung.

Mark's also worried about what the other boys would say or would react, especially when YugBam just came out and Jaebum really had a negative response to it. He's also worried about what the fans would say, though many of them ships MarkJin. Let's just say that Mark is the same as Yugyeom.

You can call them friends with benefits.

One time, the two of them were caught sleeping together in one bed, one of the boys took a picture and posted it, and the fans went wild. Although, Mark claimed that it was just a skinship and that Jinyoung was sick during that time.

Usually, the boys were the ones to tease the two of them, but they'd deny it. The boys were even the ones who can see that they are in love, but just wouldn't admit it and they are both shy to confess.

But of course, they wouldn't stay like that forever. The night when Yugyeom and Bambam were in Paris, and the other three, Youngjae, Jackson, and Jaebum are also out with their families, they were the ones left at the dorm.

Jinyoung was trying to avoid Mark, which was a hard task, but he needs to do it because he wants his feelings to fade. The American boy noticed this behaviour and frowned, wondering what he's done wrong.

"Jinyoung, wanna cuddle?"


"Wanna go out?"




Actually, Mark was just asking the same questions and all Jinyoung would say was no, or he'd say nothing at all and would continue reading his book instead.

"Jinyoungie, are you avoiding me?" Mark asked with a pout as he followed Jinyoung to the kitchen.

"Oh, am I?" The younger one pretended to think and then shrugged as he continued to make his ramen. "Oh yes, yes I am."

"Why, may I ask?"

"No, you may not," the savage king said calmly. His heart was thumping so hard in his chest because of nervousness, but he did not dare to show it. He felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist which made him froze on the spot, but when he regained his composure, he got out of the older one's grip and puts the noodles into the boiling water, acting as if nothing happened.

"Okay, what's the problem?" Mark sighed, keeping himself calm and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration as he watched the younger one intently.

"What makes you think I could tell you?"

"Because I'm your- uh, friend," he stammered for a while. This term made Jinyoung's heart ache a bit.

"What makes you think that you're my friend?" He said quietly as he finished making his ramyeon and getting a pair of chopsticks for himself.

"Jinyoung, what's wrong? What did I do? Did I do something wrong?" Mark was so close to crying right now, he was tearing up and his breathing was uneven, but the younger one did not glance at him.

"You did something incredibly wrong."

"Then tell me what it is so I could fix it! So I could fix us! God damn it, do you even know what you do to me? This is fucking killing me!" The American boy suddenly snapped, the last sentence was in English and he was really mad at this moment, making Jinyoung flinch a bit as he turns his head at the direction of the older one, but he still wanted to annoy him even more.

"Firstly, fix 'us'? There isn't an us here. Secondly, if this was killing you, you should have been dead by now," Jinyoung smirked and got out of the kitchen, leaving Mark there. He thought that the hyung would leave him alone, but he didn't.

Jinyoung was shocked when he was pushed up against the wall and a pair of soft lips were pressed roughly on his. The bowl of ramen he was holding fell to the floor, the good thing was that the bowl was just plastic so it didn't break, though the noodles were spilled all over the floor.

He wanted to push the older one away, but he was too hooked in the kiss that he kissed back. At first it was sloppy, but it slowly turned into a kiss filled with love. Jinyoung didn't even realize that he was crying already until Mark had pulled away.

"D-did I hurt you? Mianhae, mianhae," Mark apologizes over and over as he wipes the boy's tears away and pulls him into a tight hug.

"I-I just can't understand what we really are. I'd ask you and all you say is that we're friends. Y-you don't know how much that hurts, hyung," Jinyoung sobbed on Mark's chest, clutching his shirt tightly.

"I'm sorry, I was just too afraid for the outcome. I'm sorry, I was too blind to even notice that I was already hurting you. I'm sorry, you don't know how much I love you," Mark's voice was soft and gentle, making Jinyoung calm down a bit. After staying like that in each other's arms, the younger one finally pulled away and smiled, making the older one smile as well.

"Now, will you stop bitching and will you officially be my boyfriend now?" Mark asked with a cute smile plastered on his face.

"Yes, but let me just clean this first," the other chuckled, trying to act cool as he picks up the now empty bowl, though he was blushing so bad because of what just happened.

Mark helped him with cleaning and after that, the hyung excitedly spread the news to the other boys.


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As promised!!! This is the first one tho, there are still two more bonus chapters left!

Thankyou for the 2k reads! I love you guys!! I'm glad you enjoyed reading this hell of a book bsjdmsnx


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