chapter 5

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*Yugyeom's POV.*

It was Jackson's birthday today, and since he just got home after spending the rest of the day with his mum, we decided to have some drink because we weren't able to celebrate it with just us.

We were gathered on the floor once again like the other night. We planned to play a game called Never Have I Ever. If we haven't done it, all we have to say is 'never ever' just like our song, and if we have done it, then we'll take a shot of the alcohol that we bought.

"Alright! Who goes first?" Jackson asks while clasping his hands together as he looked at the rest of us.

"You!" We all responded in unison, probably because he's the birthday boy.

"Woah, okay," he laughs his high pitched laugh before his eyebrows furrowed as he thought of a question. "Never have I ever... smoked a cigarette."

"Never ever!" The rest of us cheered and laughed right after.

We're not even drunk yet, but we're already this hyped.

"Jackson-hyung, that was a bit lame, seriously," Bambam said beside me and laughs.

"Alright, me next!" Jinyoung says and looks at the rest of us before finally thinking of a question. "Never have I ever bunked out of school!"

"Never ever!" JB, Mark, Youngjae, and Jinyoung said in unison without even hesitating.

The three of us left sighed and poured the liquid on our shot glasses, downing it immediately without any trouble.

"Me!" Youngjae cheered and we're quite surprised that he already got a question. "Never have I ever kissed a fan on the lips!"

"Never ever!" The rest of us cheered, but I noticed Bambam beside me already pouring himself a shot.

"Oh, jin ja?!" We all asked in shock, making him roll his eyes at us.

"It was an accident! She was the one who came near me and just smacked her lips on mine," he explains and downs the shot in one go. "It was fine for me, at least her dreams came true."

His last sentence made us all laugh, it was our quality time together, so there's no need to act like an asshole now, especially since it's Jackson's birthday.

"Okay, my turn," Bambam says and rubs his hands together. "Never have I ever liked a person by the same gender."

"Never ever!" The rest of them shouted but I was hesitating. Suddenly, it was silent and they all looked at me.

"You can't be serious, Yugyeom!" Youngjae was the first one to react, and I just laughed.

"Just kidding! Never ever!" I said and they all sighed in relief, the hyungs hitting my arm playfully, but they didn't know that I was just pretending that it was a joke.

The game then continued on, we drank shots out of shots, but I wasn't that drunk, at least not as drunk as them. They had to take more shots that me, so I was still a bit sober even if my vision was starting to get blurry.

Once the game was over, they were all wasted and were sprawled on the floor, already asleep, leaving me awake.

I sighed and stood up, but someone grabbed my arm. It was Bambam. I was surprised that he was still awake as well.

"T-take me to our room, jebal," he slurred, his eyes half closed and his grip on my arm a bit loosening.

"Aish, jin ja?" I whined and pulled my arm away from him and made my way to our room, not even caring if I left him there.

"Yugyeom-ah, jebal," he slurred again, and was followed by his small giggle that I rarely hear. My heart jumped a bit when I heard it.

"I'll be nice, don't you trust me?" He laughs and shook his head while lying down on the floor. He tried to sit up but he just failed to do so.

"Yah, why would I trust you?"

"Because I trust you! Then maybe you should trust me too!"

I swear to the heavens, this boy is saying nonsense. I groaned and just walked over to him, putting his arm around my shoulder and helping him up. Damn, he was heavy.

I just stayed silent while he blabbered about how annoying but adorable I was, but of course, I wouldn't believe him. Once we got inside our room and I was about to drop him on his bed he suddenly said my name.


"What now?"

"Can I kiss you again? On the cheek?" He giggled, I glanced at him and he was already looking at me.

"Aniya, go to sleep, drunkard," I said and finally dropped him on the bed, and guess what? He was knocked out.

I sighed out of relief and plopped down on mine. I couldn't help but suddenly blush when the words he said sunk in.

He's drunk. He doesn't know what he's saying.

Yeah, right.

I groaned at the way I was thinking of Bambam and buried my head on my pillow, eventually falling asleep and going to my dreamland where Bambam appeared again.

* * * * *

I woke up with a massive headache, as well as the other hyungs that we were groaning every now and then as we walk around our dorm.

"Jackson! Hurry up with the soup!" Jaebum groans. Jackson was preparing soup for us as the rest of us were all in the living room, with scrunched faces and we were still wearing our clothes from last night.

Jackson then came back with a tray with seven bowls that are filled with hot soup.

"Kamsahamnida," We all mumbled as we took one bowl each and taking a long sip. We all sighed in relief before Jinyoung spoke up.

"Who were the ones left awake last night?"

"Bambam and I, but I was more sober than he was," I said and shrugged, remembering last night's events, heat rushing up to my cheeks.

"Oh, jin ja? I was more sober than you-"

"You were saying nonsense-"

"But that doesn't mean-"

"Do you even remember what you said?" I snapped at him, and he fell silent. Obviously, he couldn't remeber, and it was too early to have him bicker at me.

"Aish, it's early in the morning and you're already spreading negative vibes," Mark shook his head at us and took a sip from his soup again.

- - - - - - - - - -

IM SO SORRY IF THIS WAS BORING! This is just a filler chapter since I couldn't think of anything to put next yet, but I do hope that you enjoyed this chapter even if I don't know what I'm writing lmao.

Anyway, I have this new published book called sunshine || choi youngjae.

And yes, it is a youngjae fic, you're welcome ;) Please check it out if it's alright with you! It still doesn't have a book cover, but I alreay have one for it, and it's on my computer. So don't worry, I'll be putting the cover on once I get my wifi back.


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