chapter 2

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IMPORTANT: i'll update chapters VERY SLOWLY because we don't have a stable wifi just yet, so i'm really sorry to keep you waiting :(

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*Yugyeom's POV.*

It has been a week and so far we already had four wins after our comeback, ahgases are working really hard for us as much as we work hard for them, even if Jackson-hyung isn't here to hold the trophy and give a speech for them since he got sick the day after our fan meeting. It's quite sad without him, especially since he's our moodmaker and he really radiates positive vibes out of him, but us members try our best to act funny so our ahgases wouldn't be too sad either, but he'll be back on out fifth stage.

Bambam and I? We get along pretty well in front of the cameras like we usually do. When we get home, we just ignore each other and just plop down on the bed, sleep straight away, or maybe it's just me because I hate waiting for him to finish showering since he takes SO long.

JB-hyung is doing a lot more aegyo in this era than I expected, it's quite surprising, actually. Mark-hyung has been more active unlike before, and that's a good thing, he's also leaving for the jungle next Friday, so us, members and ahgases, wish him luck to fight mosquitoes. Jinyoung-hyung doesn't flick away hearts anymore, he treasures them and I find it cute. Youngjae-hyung is still a total sunshine and is still innocent.

Am I good at talking to you? If that so, then yay!

Anyways, we're at the practice studio right now in our company building, which is, obviously, JYP Entertainment. We were just finishing choreography for some of the songs like Shopping Mall, with Jackson-hyung just sitting on the couch while watching us. It was organized at first when everything started to mess up and we couldn't really think of the next dance step or when we try to change dance steps and guess what the result is? Always a failure.

We were already having lots of rounds of our choreography for Shopping Mall and we just couldn't get it right, even PD-nim already checked on us a while ago and scolded us when he saw our choreo.

And since there weren't any cameras around, the mess just got messier as Bambam and I bickered at each other once again.

"Yugyeom got it wrong!" He always blamed everything at me whenever JB-hyung stops the music when someone makes a mistake.

"Aniyo!" I snapped at him, and we just continued bickering back and forth unless someone stops us. Like Jinyoung-hyung.

"Honestly, you guys are not helping at all! You're just adding up to the stress!" Jinyoung-hyung scolds at us for the hundredth time of this day.

"How about you guys just be quiet for a while and at least give some suggestions for the choreography," JB-hyun told us calmly, he was just obviously trying to prevent himself from exploding.

"Hey, you guys should take a rest, it's past lunch time. Wanggae would be upset if you don't eat," Jackson-hyung had interrupted and gave us the puppy-eyes-look. Well, since we couldn't say no to those eyes, we just gave in and sat on the floor for a while.

"What do you guys want to eat? Jinyoung and I will just buy it," JB-hyung asks us as we were sitting down, Jackson-hyung also joining us on the floor.

"Anything from the Japanese restaurant nearby is fine," Bambam, who was tired like the rest of us, suggested. Out leader asks us if it was alright for us and we just nodded our heads, we clearly didn't have appetite for anything right now. JB-hyung and Jinyoung-hyung then left us.

I was still thinking about our choreography for Shopping Mall and I think I should give a little help for the group, so I stood up suddenly that the boys looked at me, confused. Ignoring their facial expressions, I went over to the sound system of the practice room and played the song.

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