chapter 20

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This chapter and the epilogue will be in THIRD PERSON POINT OF VIEW. Enjoy reading the last bits of this book!

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Yugyeom and Bambam had gotten back together after a few days they've arrived in Seoul. Yugyeom told the Thai boy why he had left and everything, and the older one understood it. He thought that even if he was in Yugyeom's place, he'd feel the same.

They were given a whole week of rest, and they decided to go to the carnival to have fun for a while. There weren't much people anyway so they didn't have any trouble with fans mobbing them.

"TO THE HORROR HOUSE!" Mark, who seemed to be so loud, screamed as he pointed at the horror house after they've eaten.

"Aniyo!" Bambam and Jackson exclaimed in unison. Yugyeom giggled beside the Thai boy and wrapped an arm around him, pulling him closer.

"Don't worry, Bambamie, I'm here," the maknae grinned down at the older one. "It was just like our first date, remember?"

"Yeah, only that these idiots are here- OW!" Bambam was snickering but was immediately replaced by a wince when Jinyoung hits his chest.

"Yah!" Yugyeom pouted at the actor Park.

"Stop being so sweet, it's cringey!" Youngjae whined beside Jaebum who just laughed at the childishness of his members.

"I'm jealous! I WISH I HAD A YUGYEOM INSIDE THE HORROR HOUSE!" Jackson practically yelled at them and pouted. Mark beside him nudged him and smiled playfully at him, giving him an eyebrow raise as if to say that he'll be there for Jackson. "Ew! NOT YOU! Go to Jinyoung!" The younger one exclaimed and pushed the hyung to Jinyoung, making the rest of them laugh.

"Gaja!" Mark excitedly gestured for them to follow him and they entered the horror house after they paid at the entrance.

The rest of the boys were just laughing at the way the props and people try to scare them, except for Bambam and Jackson who kept screaming and crying for help everytime. Yugyeom held Bambam closer to him and laughed at how adorable he was when he's scared, just like the time when they first went out on a date and took place in here. Jackson, on the other hand, ran for his life out of the horror house.

When they were all outside, all of them were laughing their asses while Jackson was sweating and panting so bad, he was lying down on the ground. Bambam was blushing out of embarrassment because Yugyeom saw him like that for the second time.

"TO THE ROLLERCOASTERS!" The eldest one screamed again, and all of them were running towards the particular ride, but Yugyeom grabbed Bambam's hand and pulled him to the ferris wheel.

"Let's be alone for a while," he says with a shy smile as he paid for two tickets and they went into one of the seats for the ferris wheel. "I really missed you," he says quietly as he squeezed the Thai boy's hand gently, making the other smile.

"I missed you too," he says and places as soft kiss on Yugyeom's lips, in which the younger one returns as the ferris wheel slowly brought them to the top.

"Hey," Yugyeom said softly as they pulled away and just stared at each other for a while.

"Yes, love?"

"I want us to be official," the younger one smiled widely and the other was a bit taken a back.

"A-are you sure? I-I mean not that I-I don't want to, I just-"

"I'm sure, Bamie," Yugyeom says, and for a while, Bambam couldn't process everything that the younger one told him, a grin slowly making it up to his lips. His heart was thumping so hard in his chest and his cheeks were turning redder than before. Usually, Yugyeom would be the one who would be flustered like this, but now it was him, and Yugyeom thought it was an adorable sight.

"I LOVE YOU!" He practically yelled happily and engulfed the maknae in a tight hug, in which the younger one returns as he laughed at how happy the other is.

"I love you too, so much," he giggled and kissed the older one for the second time with smiles plastered on their faces.

When they got off the ferris wheel, they approached a scowling Got5 while they held hands.

"Why didn't you bring us with you to the ferris wheel?!" Youngjae whined again and pouted at us.

"Yah, you guys were at the roller coaster!" Bambam laughed but they kept the scowl. So Yugyeom held him and Bambam's hand up, their fingers intertwined.

"We're official," he announced and the boys' expressions suddenly changed into a shocked, yet happy one. Soon them they started screaming and jumping like happy puppies, including Jaebum who was shaking the two so hard, making them laugh.

The very few people around them were staring but they didn't mind. They wouldn't be called Got7 if they weren't like this. Their bond wouldn't be as strong if they weren't like this.

"YOU'VE GOT TO TELL PD-NIM! THEY NEED TO ANNOUNCE!" Mark, still energized, screamed as he continued on jumping, he even did a flip in the air out of happiness.

"I already texted him!" Jinyoung says, and the couple had to cover their faces with their hands because the boys were even more excited than they are.

"Now kiss!" Jackson suddenly exclaimed and all the other boys stopped what they were doing just so they could watch them kiss.

"Yah! Why would we kiss in front of you? I thought you guys said it was cringey!" Yugyeom immediately said because he was too shy to do it. They haven't even kissed in front of this dorks, not even once.

"COME ON!" Jaebum, who was impatient, shook the two of them again. They looked at each other with smile on their faces and Yugyeom pouted, just like what he did when Bambam had a vlive before, and the older one leaned in and pecked him softly on the lips. The boys then screamed again, maybe even more louder than a fangirl does, jumping around like bunnies.

"Aish, jinja?" Bambam whines because they were too loud, but Yugyeom grabbed his hand again, pulling him to the food stands.

"Let's eat!" He said happily, making the other laugh.

The five other boys were whining again because the two always had their own world, but they didn't mind, the cotinued on buying food for themselves anyway.

When they ate, the couple had a separate table. They were feeding each other that the other five boys were whispering about them and would tease them from time to time.

But they couldn't ask for more. They were all happy and contented, this is everything that they needed.

Bambam is everything that Yugyeom needed.

And Yugyeom is everything that Bambam needed.

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Well, that sucked. :( Anyway i feel sad bc there is only an epilogue left dnekkdks imma go sulk bye. But I'm glad that you guys read this even if it has such a cliche plot, but whatever. Thankyouuu!!!!


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