chapter 7

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*Yugyeom's POV.*

The next day, Bambam came barging inside our room and plopped down on his bed tiredly. Serves him right, he got drunk last night for no reason and had to wake up early for his flight and now he arrives like he had a concert by himself.

Suddenly, I remembered last night's events. Him calling me, slurring out words that didn't make any sense, confessing his feelings for me, singing loudly, calling me lots of times and messaging me texts that I couldn't even understand. My heart suddenly started to beat fast at the thought, and his voice snapped me back to reality.

"I'm gonna agree with your idea of us pretending to be friends in front of the hyungs, but in one condition," he says and paused as he sat up from his bed with his face scrunched, probably because of the pain of his hangover.

"W-What is it?" I stuttered out and cleared my throat, scratching my head. Knowing Bambam, his conditions would just be as easy as pie (cakes are too mainstream).

"You're going to make me soup, and you're gonna explain this to me after you make it," he says and threw his phone at me, or to be specific, on my bed and I took it, showing me that my name was all over his recent calls. It was just easy to lie, so I smiled.

"Deal," I said and threw his phone back at him before standing up and going out of our room. It was already noon and the hyungs were probably out since we don't have any schedule for this week because we're only five members inside the country, Jackson-hyung and Mark-hyung are coming back tomorrow. The only one that I saw in the living room was Jinyoung-hyung.

I expected that he'd ignore me so I went straight to the kitchen to make some soup, but I was surprised that he followed me there.

"Yugyeom-ssi, what are you and Bambam planning to do?" He asks and I could tell that he was sorry for ignoring us, he was always the weak one when it comes to holding grudges. "Youngjae and JB-hyung is out for a few hours, so it's alright if the three of us talk it out inside your room, if you don't mind."

"Of course I don't mind, hyung," I chuckled and boiling an adequate amount of water and pouring the powder of the soup in the pot, stirring it slowly.

"Mianhae, it was the leader's idea so we could teach you guys a lesson, but believe me, we're so guilty while doing it, even Youngjae was dying to talk to you," he laughs a bit and I nodded, giving him a grin.

"It's okay," I said truthfully.

"Is that soup for Bambam?"

"Yeah, he got drunk last night and is suffering with both jetlag and hangover."

"Wait, are you guys friends already?" The older one asked with wide eyes.

"Aniya, but this is a part of our deal."

"Huh? What deal?"

"Hyung, I'll tell you later, okay?" I chuckled and once the soup was done and was thick enough, I poured it into a bowl and grabbed a spoon for Bambam. "Alright, let's get going."

The two of us went to Bambam and I's room and the already black haired boy stared at us with furrowed eyebrows as I gave him the bowl of soup, warning him that it was hot.

"Okay, why is Jinyoung-hyung here?" He asks.

"He's on our side."

"Yah, you're saying it like this is such a huge fight even if it's not," Jinyoung says as we both sat on my bed.

"But it is," I said and chuckled. "Anyway, Bambam and I's deal was that if I made soup for him, he'll agree that we'll pretend to be friends in front of the hyungs, so don't tell them this." I said, not including the explanation part as I glanced at Bambam.

"Well, do you need any help?" Jinyoung asks as he looked at the two of us back and forth. "Youngjae and I could help, to make it seem like it's real you know."

"Yeah, that would be alright, so that it wouldn't be much of a struggle for us," Bambam says as he places down his now empty bowl on his bedside table. Wow, he was quick.

"So, when will you guys do it then?"

"When we're already complete, hyung." I said and smiled, but I was a bit cringing at the thought that me and Bambam would actually do it. I was afraid that we might actually end up as real friends or maybe I was just overthinking. That wouldn't even happen.

"Just don't do that again, your career would be gone, and I'm concerned because I love the two of you," Jinyoung admits and smiles shyly, his eye wrinkles showing.

"Aww, hyung, when did you become so sweet?" I teased and poked his cheek.

"Shut up," he hisses and hits my chest making me glare at him, Bambam just shaking his head at us. Jinyoung's phone vibrated and he checked the message.

"Youngjae and JB-hyung are near, I'll have to leave. And I'll tell Youngjae about the deal between you two later, and I'm still very sorry, because I still need to ignore you," he chuckles at his last statement and left our room, leaving Bambam and I alone once again, but knowing that Jinyoung and Youngjae are on our side, it made me feel a bit happier than I was a few days ago.

"So, are you gonna explain what I told you last night and why I kept calling you?" Bambam asks casually and looks at me. I glanced at him and chuckled.

"You were blabbering random things about some girl breaking your heart and something like that. You even kept on texting me." I was half-lying, but I lied down on my bed like I was talking normally.

"Aish, sorry about that."

"Oh, wow, you say sorry a lot these days. What happened to the so-tough-and-strong-Bambam I knew?" I teased and smirked. He grabbed his spoon and threw it at me.

"Yah!" I whined.

"Wait, since our room isn't soundproof, does that mean that we'll be pretending to be nice to each other while in here as well?" He asks and the thought clicked in my mind. I haven't thought of that. I groaned and nodded.

"I still hate you," I whispered and rolled my eyes at him.

"I hate you more."

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Omg i suck i gotta leave wattpad bc im writing nonsense. But I'm glad that some of you are continuing to read this hehehe. Please do check out my other works! Thankyouuuu


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