bonus chapter 02

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*Coco's POV.*

I was running around the dorm of my masters and enjoying my own time because it is a big place to play around and the biggest toilet in the world for a dog like me. When I went past Jaebum's room, there were loud meowing from the cats. My mortal enemies.

"ARF ARF!" I growled at the closed door angrily before walking around again. You see, my masters are all gone, and I'm used to it anyway, definitely not a sad thing. Who am I kidding? It is a sad thing.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps coming at the door and I excitedly ran up there, sitting like a good girl I was. My tongue stuck out and my tail was wiggling so fast because of excitement. The door slowly opened and it revealed Master Yugyeom and Master Bambam.

"Masters! Masters! Welcome home!" I yelled, or barked rather, as I jumped around in front of them. The two tall masters chuckled and gave me a pat on the head, before they headed straight to their room. I was suddenly disappointed at the two first ones who came home, they didn't give me much attention unlike Master Youngjae does.

I whimpered and followed behind them to their room. I just watched them since they wouldn't even notice that I was there because I was too small. They were too busy being sweet to each other and as a dog, it made me cringe.

Suddenly, I saw that Master Bambam was slowly eating (kissing) Master Yugyeom's face and pushed him on the bed, climbing on top of him. Is this the dog fight of the humans?

I was suddenly alert and I was panicking. I started barking at them making them stop what they were doing.

"Coco, what are you doing here?" Master Bambam looks at MasterYugyeom and they both giggled. Are they happy while fighting then?

"Arf arf!" I barked, telling him to get off the other master, in which he did and he walks up to me and picks me up.

"You're disturbing our love time, we'll give you attention later, Coco," Master Bambam said to me and I just tilted my head at him when he puts me down and closes the door of their room.

If it was their love time, why are they eating each other's faces? And if they were kissing, they should lick each other like dogs do, right?

I was standing by the door for awhile before I started to walk around again. I accidentally pooped Master Jackson's shoes but he couldn't resist me anyway, so I didn't care. I poo on all of their shoes anyway.

Suddenly I was hearing some sort of howling or something. I followed the sound and it lead to Master Bambam and Master Yugyeom's room. I was starting to panic again because Master Yugyeom suddenly screamed, and I could also hear Master Bambam cursing.

"THEY'RE DYING! NO!" I barked loudly as I paced back and forth in front of the door, whimpering while I could still hear them. I kept on barking and scratching the door until I got tired and fell asleep right on the spot.

* * * * *

I woke up and stretched my paws, looking up to see Master Yugyeom. I was on his lap. And then it slowly processed in my mind. Was I dead now too?

I looked around to see all my Masters around me and I excitedly jumped off Master Yugyeom's lap and went over to Youngjae, my tongue stuck out and my tail wigglinng furiously when he hugged me.

Later that night, I was inside my Master Youngjae's room and he was sleeping beside me on his bed. I suddenly heard another howling and I followed the sound again, and it came from Mark's room. Who was he with?

I panicked and went to all my Masters room and Master Jinyoung's room was the only empty one. I rushed back to the door of Mark's room and I could hear Jinyoung cursing.

Oh, no, they're dying!

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this does have a little dirty content though ;))))


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