chapter 12

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*Yugyeom's POV.*

Today was the day that Bambam and I are going out on an actual date for the first time. We woke up quite early since we don't want the hyungs to see us leaving, plus, it was a day off, and everyone's still probably asleep. It has been a more than a week since he confessed to me and I was feeling like I'm starting to like him even more.

I was lying down on the bed, already completely dressed and ready to leave while I was scrolling through my instagram, hearing Bambam's small groans and curses.

I looked up from my phone and saw that he was still having a hard time to find the right shoes and I smiled slightly at the way he was getting frustrated even if it was just over a small thing. I could see that he really wanted to look good for me, but he doesn't have to do that. He's beautiful just the way he is.

I swung my legs off my bed and stood up, sneakily walking behind him when he wasn't looking at the mirror and wrapped my arms around his waist from behind. I felt him froze for a while before he regained his composure.

We're not even together yet, but when we're alone, we're always this sweet to each other.

"You okay?"

"Do I look like I am?" He hisses and I pouted at him through the mirror, I could see him frowning.

"You know, you don't need those," I said as I pointed at his wedges that were all sprawled on the floor. "You don't need those as well," I said as I glanced up and pointed at the contact lenses he was wearing. "And you don't need that," I pointed at his lips that has lip gloss. "And you don't need any make-up. Leave your hair as it is and wear the sneakers you wore the time when we went to the ice cream house. You're beautiful just the way you are, and it's just me you're dating. To me, you still look good even if you had just woken up in the morning," I teased a bit giggled, placing my chin on his shoulder.

I could tell that he was blushing and he just couldn't wipe the smile off his face as he mumbles a small 'fine' before he takes off my arms around him. I was slightly disappointed, but I reminded myself that I could do that anytime.

I watch him as he puts on his black sneakers and he grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers together. "Ready to go?" He asks with a smile and I nodded. The two of us quietly left our room and left the dorm as well. We both put on our caps and sunglasses so we wouldn't be recognize, and we need it since we're just walking and the company would go crazy on us when someone catches us.

We walked on the sidewalk, hand in hand, making our way to the Carnival. It was the place that he chose because he thinks that we haven't been there for a long time, that we haven't been having fun because we were too busy being a kpop idol.

It was very thoughtful of him and it makes me attracted to him even more.

"Gyeomie, I'm really glad that you said yes," the Thai boy said beside me and I glanced at him, and he was already looking at him.

"And I'm glad that you've brought your confidence up for me," I said and squeezed his hand gently as we continued on walking. We were lucky enough that there weren't much people today.

He grinned brightly and swung our hands back and forth and stayed quiet for a while until we reached the Carnival.

"Do we go to the rides first? Or do you wanna eat first?" Bambam asks me and I told him that I was hungry so he quickly dragged me to the food stands. My eyes landed on the grilled sausages and I was already reaching for my wallet inside my pocket, but when I looked up to buy, Bambam already held two sausages in stick in front of me.

"Yah, I was the one who asked you on a date, tell me what you want and I'll give it to you right away, giant baby," he teases me and I hit his chest playfully before taking the stick from his hand and we bit onto our sausages as we walked around through the food stands. Turns out he bought a large bucket of fries just for the two of us, two cotton candies, two slices of pizza, and two large cups of coke.

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