chapter 14

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*Yugyeom's POV.*

Weeks has passed by, and Bambam and I are dating secretly for almost two months now. I've concluded that I do love him and I am falling for him. It was quite fast, though who wouldn't fall for his sweet actions?

He's been telling me that he loves me these past few days, but all I did was blush, look away and smile shyly. I still feel a bit anxious to admit that I love him already, because if I do, it means that I already want the two of us to be official.

But I still wasn't ready to tell everyone about it, I'm too scared to face the consequences, and I'm glad that Bambam understood that. I could tell that he was scared too, but I wasn't ready as he was.

Until, my biggest nightmare happened today. It was another day off, and Bambam and I just got back inside the dorm, and my phone started vibrating uncontrollably in my pocket, the other hyungs' phones also vibrated. I slipped it out of my pocket and I widened my eyes when I read the notification.

"Yugyeom and Bambam are officially dating! A fan caught them holding hands while walking together and having a good time! A video clip was also shown! Want more information? Visit the website!"

I immediately unlocked my phone and opened the sight, I saw the picture of the two of us holding hands like we did earlier and the video when we were feeding each other at a Korean restaurant to eat meat. I was scrolling down to see comments.

"ohmygod I'm so happy rn I'm gONNA FLIP TABLES."
"oh shit do I even stan the right people?"
"im disappointed, im gonna leave this fandom."
"that's a no-no."
"it can be just one of those skinships stop making nonsense rumors and grow up. and if this is true though, don't hate on them, it's not like you guys make mistakes."
"Shut the fuck up guys, you need to accept that they love each other and y'all have to respect that. Nobody's perfect. Love is love."

I was kinda relieved that some of them defended us but there were too many hate comments that I teared up, but I blinked my tears away as I put my phone back inside my pocket, glancing at Bambam beside me, who was already looking at me with a sad expression. He took my hand in his before the two of us looked up at the other hyungs.

They all had confused expressions and the silence around us was deafening. The Thai boy squeezed my hand gently to comfort me.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Jaebum was the first one to speak up, and I felt like his voice was booming throughout the dorm. I sighed and stayed silent, letting Bambam talk to them for me.

"We're sorry, we weren't ready to tell you yet. We planned to tell you when we turn into an official couple, but it seems like it's already ruined," he explains, referring to the plan that we made months ago. "We thought you guys wouldn't accept us."

"You guys are being selfish! Didn't you think of our image too? Didn't you let it get into your head that we might lose a huge amount of fans because of what you're doing, huh?" The leader scolded at us, and I felt pain inside my chest. I shouldn't be surprised though, because he's the leader after all. I felt Bambam rubbing circles on the back of my hand with his thumb.

"JB, that's not a right thing to-" Mark tries to stand up for us, but Jaebum interrupted him.

"Go with them then!"

"Jaebum-hyung, I think we should be helping and supporting them, they're having a hard time," Jackson also said, earning a glare from Jaebum.

Everyone fell silent for a while, Coco coming over to Youngjae and was whimpering. At least this dog knows that something was wrong.

"Mianhae, hyungs," I said quietly, keeping my gaze on the floor.

"We knew that this would happen and yet we didn't put a stop to it. Sorry, JB-hyung. Sorry, everyone. We were really being selfish," Bambam said beside me and he pulled me to our room, avoiding their intense gaze, and closing the door shut.

I let go of Bambam's hand and I let out a sigh as I went towards my bed and sat down on the edge.

"Hey," I heard his soft voice but I closed my eyes to prevent the tears from falling. I opened them to see Bambam kneeled down in front of me. He takes both of my hands again and places soft kisses on the back of each of them. His soft lips sending tingles through my spine. "It's going to be fine."

"It's not," I choked out and at this moment, I couldn't hold my tears anymore. It started flowing down my cheeks like a never ending stream and I could see him frown even more. He stood up and lets go of my hands to cup my cheeks, wiping my tears away with his thumb.

"Please don't cry. I hate seeing you like this. We'll fix this. Jebal?" He tried to comfort me, but it made me cry even more. I was starting to sob and he immediately pulled me to him, hugging me tightly as he lets me cry on his chest while he was whispering comforting words to me.

I pulled away from the hug and glanced up at him. "I-I'm sorry. I'm such a burden to you. I'll never understand why you'd go out with me. Out of all the others, me."


"No, listen to me," I interrupted him. "I feel like I'm adding up to your stress. I feel like I messed up your life, from the very start. I don't deserve you. You're too beautiful for such a piece of trash like me. I'm just Kim Yu Gyeom, I'm pretty sure that there's a lot of girls out there who are better than I am. I'm such a useless and a worthl-" I was interrupted by him this time, but not by talking. It was more shocking than that.

His soft lips were pressed on mine, and my eyes widened. Heat rushes up to my cheeks and my heart was beating too fast that I might faint right at this moment.

I wasn't able to move for a while, but I could tell that he was waiting for my response. My eyes flickered hesitantly until I completely closed them and kissing him back. His hand then moved to the back of my neck, pulling me closer to him, deepening the kiss. I couldn't help but smile in between.

I must admit, that was the best way for him to shut me up and to calm me down.

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