chapter 11

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*Yugyeom's POV.*

Bambam was giving me a hard time and I was having mixed feelings for him. I wanted to believe him, but I don't want to at the same time. And now that I know what he actually feels towards me, and I'm also starting to feel the same way, but I don't want to expect too much either. Plus, what would the hyungs think? What would the fans think?

We were finally shooting the dance practice for Never Ever and I was doing lots of mistakes lately. We've had rounds and rounds but it was always my fault. Jaebum told the staff that we'll have a break for a while and the staff allowed us. We all sat down on the floor, all panting, and I was frowning the whole time, clearly disappointed in myself. I noticed Bambam sat beside me. I glanced up at him and he gave me a smile.

A smile that I have never seen before. A smile I have never received from him. A genuine smile. My heart jumped a bit, heat rushing up to my cheeks, and my eyes landed on the water bottle he was handing to me and I immediately took it from him, opening it and drinking a large amount. I was trying to avoid his gaze, because I know for sure that I wouldn't be able to control myself anymore.

"Yugyeom, is there something wrong?" Jaebum asked making me look at him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't have enough sleep, I was feeling a bit sick last night," I lied as I sip from my water bottle again. "I promise I'll do a better performance later on."

"Better keep that promise, Gyeomie," Jinyoung, who was beside me, pinched my cheek making me glare at him, but he just smiled playfully at me, showing off his eye crinkles. I was surprised that none of them were mad at me.

While we were all talking, Bambam had his hand on my knee the whole time and I pretend not to notice, but I could already feel my ears burning. After a few minutes, we decided to start again and shoot it.

The Thai boy gave me a pat on the shoulder as we went to our positions and waited for the song to start.

To my surprise, I didn't do any mistake anymore and the shooting went on until the end, and we all cheered and had group hug after it. We were already rushing out the door with our stuff, not even bothering to bid the staff goodbye. We were all walking fast to our dorm and once we were there, we all gathered around the living room again. Our usual routine.

"It's just five o'clock, what do you guys wanna do?" Jaebum asked us, and we all said that we don't know and we just sat there on the floor for a while. Youngjae stood up to feed Coco.

Bambam was sitting beside me again and had an arm around my shoulder, and I seriously don't know what's going on so I just go with the flow. Though it's weird. I could even feel his intense gaze fixed on me.

Why was he making me feel so soft right now?

"Who's gonna cook ramyeon tonight?" Jackson asks us.

"You!" We all exlcaimed and Mark laughed at the way Jackson sighed and crossed his arms.

"Fine!" He stood up and made his way to the kitchen just as Youngjae came back and sat back down on the floor with us.

"Let's play Kiss, Marry, Kill!" Jinyoung suddenly yelled out of nowhere. He's too enthusiastic for it. "But it will only be just among us! I'll go first!"

"Okay then, go on," Youngjae says as he grabs an opened bag of chips from the coffee table and shoves lots of amount into his mouth, making me chuckle a bit.

"I'll kiss Mark-hyung, marry Jaebum-hyung, and kill Yugyeom!" Jinyoung stated happily and I hit his chest, making him wince and I just laughed at him. The boys were shrieking about Markjin and Jjp in the background.

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