chapter 1

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*Bambam's POV.*

I was taking my time to get ready like I usually do. We have this secret fan meeting for our fans since we just had a comeback. I was humming to the song that was playing on my phone as I try to find a wedge that fits my outfit, until this annoying maknae interrupted my peace.

"Honestly, how long are you going to take?" The one and only Kim Yugyeom came in with an annoyed expression, and I am going to be in the same van with him today. I just snickered at him and continued what I was doing. I love annoying this maknae and he loves annoying me. Turns out that we just hate each other so much that we'd actually fight physically sometimes.

When we're not in front of a camera, of course. We usually fake our sweetness for our fans to think that we're sweethearts and that we get along well, when in reality, we actually don't.

"I didn't choose to be in the same room as you," I heard him groan as I looked through my shoes and going to the mirror to check if it fits the outfit.

"Did I say that I did?" I said coolly and I can see him glaring at me at the mirror. He stayed silent, which was a relief for me, he barely shuts up these days. Scratch that, he never shuts up. I finally got to find the perfect wedge for my clothes and grabbed my wallet and phone on my bedside table. "Gaja, slow poke, I thought you didn't want to be late?" I taunted with an evil smirk as I got out of our room without waiting for him.

As I walk up to the elevator while hearing the echoes of Yugyeom's footsteps behind me, it seemed like it was quiet. The hyungs probably left already.

I entered the elevator and pressed the ground floor, not even waiting for Yugyeom to catch up. I waited for the elevator to reach the particular floor and once I was out, I went outside the building and made my way to the van which was waiting for us.

Once I was inside the van, the driver and I waited for Yugyeom. I smirked when I saw him scowling as he went inside the van and sat beside me, with distance between us of course. The driver then started to drive us to our location.

I looked at the camera that was recording the two of us and made a peace sign before I turned to the maknae, saying in the sweetest way, "How longer are you gonna take, Yugyeom-ah?" I grinned as I can see him trying to hold his anger.

"Hajima~" He whines in the cutest- no, he's not cute- in the ugliest way to pretend to be sweet to me. Ew.

"Waeyo? It's true! Ahgases, listen, he was complaining earlier because I took too long getting ready and it turns out that he was slower than I am," I said to the camera and faked a laugh. Yugyeom pushed me gently while he was faking a laugh as well. His annoying laugh just fills my ears and I hate it.

"Don't be mean to me, Bambam hyung, I haven't done anything wrong," He whines again as he kept on pushing my shoulder.

"Jin ja? Jin ja? Jin ja?" I pressed on and then we continued fake laughing. "Alright, I'll stop."

The two of us fell into silence with fake smiles on our faces as he high-fived as if we're just as normal as the other members when we're actually not.

As the ride continues, we tried to stop ourselves from snapping or hurting each other, which was a bit of an easy task since we've been faking from the start. Just a few kicks on each other's legs, but the camera doesn't capture it anyway.

I was feeling slightly sleepy, since it was early in the morning, so I leaned my head back on my seat and hugged a stuffed toy that a fan gave me a few days ago. I could hear Yugyeom watching some lame drama on his phone and I tried to act that I wasn't annoyed because of his loud volume. I was slowly feeling all tired until I finally drifted off to sleep.

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