chapter 4

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*Yugyeom's POV.*

We're at our fanmeeting once again, signing albums and talking with fans. We had just finished performing for our fifth stage, and we didn't win, but it's alright, we understand that not all the fans could vote for the digitals. Plus, we still had four consecutive wins and what matters is that we know ahgases are working hard and giving all their efforts to us. It is also good to have Jackson back with us.

I was feeling extra happy today, probably because of the plushies and squirtles that the fans gave to me. Who are you calling childish? Kim Yu Gyeom!

"And here we have Yugyeom enjoying his peace time," Bambam suddenly came over and pointed at me, the fans screamed and I waved at them, making a small heart with my thumb and index finger. "So, Yugyeom, how's your life with the plushies?" The older one then placed the mic near my lips.

"Daebak!" I grinned as the fans screamed once again. "Saranghaeyo!" I shouted and gave them a flying kiss.

"Yah, you can't say that to them! I thought you only loved me?" Bambam whines through the mic and the fans started chanting for Yugbam.

"C'mere," I said even without the mic and patted my lap, where he sat down and started fake-giggling.

"The two of you should get a room!" Jackson-hyung reacted as he pointed at us.

"Yah! That's PDA! You should leave," Youngjae laughed his usual laugh which made all of us laugh as well.

I snatched the mic from Bambam's hand and spoke, "You're all just jealous! Bambam is mine!" Once I've put the mic away from my lips, I told Bambam, "I hate you."

"Don't worry, I feel just the same way," he mumbled before he took the mic from my hand and left my lap, so I grabbed the plushies again and played with it.

But why do I feel like I suddenly got sad?

Because you're starting to like him.

I shook my head and frowned at the voice that came into my head. I'd never like him! He's the most annoying human being to ever step on this earth and I'd do anything to kill him and erase him permanently from this earth, and I do know that he'd do the same thing.

* * * * *

After a few hours, the fanmeeting was finally over and we headed home. Once we entered our dorm, Coco was already in front of us, obviously waiting for her parents to feed him.

"Mark-hyung, you feed him! I fed him yesterday," Youngjae immediately says to the eldest one, who sighed and picked up Coco.

"Yah, let's go eat!" Mark enthusiastically went to the kitchen with Coco as the rest of us plopped down on the sofa. We aren't planning on sleeping just yet since we aren't that tired. Except for Jinyoung though, who already has his eyes closed while sitting down on the sofa with us. He almost fell asleep while standing when he was MC-ing in Inkigayo earlier, and Jisoo noona didn't even notice that.

Poor hyung had to pull an all-nighter just to finish the choreography for Paradise.

"Hey, let's play truth or dare," Jackson blurted out of nowhere and sat down on the floor, waiting for us to join him.

"Aish, Jackson, are you serious? That game is only for kids," JB reacted while scratching the back of his head.

"Come on. Markeu! Let's play truth or dare!" He shouted and Mark was immediately sprinting towards us. I was actually surprised that Jinyoung didn't wake up because of Jackson's loud voice.

I sighed and sat down on the floor since I didn't have much of a choice. I made sure that I was far from Bambam though.

"I'll spin the bottle!" Youngjae says as he grabs a bottle from out of nowhere. Just kidding, he took it from the coffee table. The rest of us nodded our heads. He spun the bottle and it pointed at JB, who lets out a deep sigh.

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