chapter 13

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*Bambam's POV.*

We were all at the fanmeeting once again, and the hyungs were entertaining the fans and since Yugyeom and I don't have microphones, we just sat on the table next to each other, waving at the fans and sending hearts and winks. Though, the younger one seems like he's too quiet and seems like he's thinking, worrying rather, about something.

I nudged him since I couldn't handle him being silent like this, I was so used to him being sweet all the time just like yesterday during our date and the past few days. He glanced at me and I saw his eyes look a bit sad, making me frown. "What's wrong?"

He shook his head and gave me a smile, but I knew he was lying.

"Tell me," I told him, gripping his arm gently. "Jebal?"

"I will, later," the younger one smiled and I sighed, I guess I'll have to wait until later then.

"Everyone, look! It's blowing out bubbles when you squeeze it!" Jinyoung told us through the mic and was holding a stuff toy, squeezing it uncontrollably making bubbles flow out.

"Jinyoung-hyung, you're so chdish!" Yugyeom yelled beside me since he didn't have a mic. The older on gave him a glare and made his way towards Yugyeom and he was already leaving my side, but I stood up quickly and stood in front of him.

"Yah, Jinyoung-hyung, just go play with your bubbly toy!" I laughed at him and he threw me a crumpled paper bag at my face, making me glare at him and it was his turn to laugh now.

"I've never seen him so childish like that," Yugyeom said to me with a small giggle. That giggle that would always make my heart jump.

"Probably influenced by Jackson-hyung since they're sitting next to each other earlier," I laughed a bit and I felt his hand on mine, intertwining our fingers together. Some of the fans that were paying attention to us were screaming and were taking photos. I blushed slightly as I glanced at the boy beside me, and he was already looking at me.

The fans are probably thinking that it's just one of those skinships, but only if they knew that it was more than that.

* * * * *

After the fanmeeting, we ate lunch, and went to another fanmeeting. The last location we're going to in Korea since we're leaving for Australia tomorrow.

Time passed by pretty quickly, and Yugyeom was still a bit quiet throughout the fanmeeting, and I was getting really worried. After we ate our dinner and were finally back inside our dorm, all of us went back to our rooms tiredly.

As usual, Yugyeom and I plopped down on our separate beds after we changed into our pajamas, but I wasn't going to sleep, at least not yet.

"Yugyeom-ssi," I called out as I swung my legs off my bed and went over to Yugyeom's.

"Hm?" He hummed and moved over a bit so I could lie down beside him.

"Why are you so quiet? I'm not used to it," I pouted at him and wrapped my arms around his waist. I could tell that he still wasn't used to this since he froze and this is just the second time that I'll be doing it, but he soon regained his composure and was finally comfortable with the position, and I was relieved.

"I was just... thinking," He told me hesitantly. He's probably thinking if he should tell me or not.

"Well, what was it? You seem a bit down throughout the day," I said, staring up at his beautiful face while he stared down at me. I brought my hand up to run my fingers through his hair, brushing it up so it wouldn't cover his face. "But it's okay if you don't want to tell me."

"No, no, it's okay," he insisted quickly and I just nodded, waiting for him to continue. "W-well, I was just worried about what the-the hyungs would think if they found out, and the fans too. I feel like they wouldn't accept us being a couple," he told me truthfully and lets out a deep sigh.

"Hey," I said softly, carressing his cheek smoothly and since he was a bit tensed up, he calmed down again. "We'll tell them at the right time. When we decide to be official. Or when you decide to be official. I'll be waiting for the answer. Whatever the hyungs say or whatever the fans say, we shouldn't mind them. We love and care for each other, and that's what matters, and I'm pretty sure that the hyungs would accept us and would support us. They love us. Some fans wouldn't accept us, but that's okay, I'm pretty sure that some of them would still be there to support us. That's what matters."

I told him while looking at him straight in the eyes and he was doing the same. His lips slowly formed a smile and I did too, at least I made him feel better and I was happy that I did.

"Kamsahamnida, Bambam," he said quietly and his eyes were drooping, and I could tell that he'll fall asleep soon.

"Cheonman-eyo, Yugyeom. I love you," I mumbled, but he was already asleep to even respond, so I closed my eyes as well with a smile plastered on my face. I pulled him closer to me even if there wasn't any possible space left between us anymore. I buried my face on his shoulder, letting out a sigh of content and eventually falling asleep.

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