chapter 15

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*Yugyeom's POV.*

I kissed him. WAIT, NO. He kissed me. Okay, okay. I am freaking out. Kunpimook Bhuwakul kissed me. I'm about to explode and my heart feels like it's going to jump out of my rib cage. This isn't the time to be this happy again, because firstly, we need to handle our situation with the hyungs and ahgases.

The next day was another rest day in which PD-nim had given us. He found out about the rumor and he also knew that we had a little misunderstanding yesterday and he wanted us to fix it.

And since the hyungs were out, and they left Jinyoung alone with us again, the savage king was inside our room right now and we're trying to talk things out and how we'd fix it.

"Actually, Jaebum-hyung is the only one who's a bit mad at the two of you. You know, leader attitude," he scoffed at the last sentence, sitting down in front of us on the same bed we're in, which was Bam's. "You know, Jackson and I were the ones who first noticed how you two are getting too touchy, and it's weird, that's when I thought that maybe you guys are going out on dates since you're always out when it's a day off."

Bambam and I looked at each other while blushing. We didn't realize that we were that obvious. We grinned before turning to Jinyoung again.

"Are you guys official yet though?"

"Not yet, still waiting for Yugyeom's answer," Bambam says, and I blushed again, but I winced when Jinyoung hits my chest.

"You're such a baby! You're the girl in your relationship?!" He practically yelled at me and it was my turn to hit his chest now.

"Shut up!"

"Yah! I am hyung!" The older one snapped at me and looked at me with those scary wide eyes, and I scooted closer to Bambam like a scared cat and he wrapped his arms around me. I'm such a clingy cat.

"Yah! Don't do that to Yugyeom, hyung!" The Thai boy told Jinyoung, who gave us his judging look making the two of us laugh at his expression.

"But hey, I'll try to talk to Jaebum. Maybe he's just stressed, his head will turn cool soon, though the others and I were a bit shocked too, since you guys changed so quickly," the older one finally stood up from the bed and turned to leave and told us that we should talk to the other hyungs as well and we nodded, then he shut the door close leaving me and Bambam inside our room again.

"Jagi-ya, what do you wanna do today?" Bambam asks and I realized that he still had his arms around me. I blushed at the nickname, looking away and smiling shyly.

"Cuddle," I said shyly and he immediately pulled me down on the bed with him, his arms moving down to my waist and pulling me closer to him until there was no possible space between us. "Are you still going to do a vlive in the gym tonight?"

"Yup," he says and I pouted. I wanted to have him all to myself all day, but I guess that would be just selfish, though I really want to be with him because I don't want to face the problem we have right now just yet. "You can come with me to the gym if you'd like."

"Jin ja?" My face lit up at this as I glanced up at him and he nodded his head. "Okay then," I giggled and buried my face on his chest. I could hear his heart beating fast as his chest went up and down slowly. I smiled to myself because I knew that he's only like this when he's around me.

"And maybe we could go out and eat after that. Let's bring Mark with us, so Jaebum-hyung wouldn't be too mad when we get back here," he says and I just nodded, though it'll seem like Mark would be our thirdwheel, but he's quiet anyways, but he'll still probably tease us.

The two of us fell into silence as we enjoyed each others company. He was running his fingers through my hair the whole time and it was rather relaxing, making me sleepy that I didn't even realize that I fell asleep with his chest as my pillow, a small smile plastered on my face.

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